- “Productivism” skewered one last time. Until the next time.
- The Malagasy Bean Renaissance. No, really.
- The science of beer foam. Now there’s no excuse.
- Cocktails can be biodiverse too. You bet they can.
- CIAT’s new strategy makes a splash. Genebank front and centre.
- New ICIPE director tells all. She used to work at CIAT, did you know?
- First edition of The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources is out. Now to do something about it.
- Italy’s traditional rices preserved. Yes, Italy’s, you heard me.
- Agriculture was invented in the current interglacial. Why then, and not in the Eemian?
- Quinoa macronutrients exzzzzzzzamined.
- Your what-to-do-now guide to the medieval farm. Progress? Not what it’s cracked up to be.
- People of the Toluca valley! Expect researchers looking for wild potato genes resistant to late blight.
Nibbles: Early ag, Land data, CAP, African droughts, Risotto, Cowpea research, Reforestation
- Conditions at the dawn of Fertile Crescent agriculture were wetter and more, well, fertile. Been downhill ever since.
- Digitizing land data may not be good for women.
- European agricultural policies bad for diets.
- Africa will continue to face droughts. Looks like nobody can catch a break today.
- Ah, ok, here’s something good. Italian rice a hit in China. Gotta get your victories where you can.
- And some feel-good stuff on cowpea research in Mozambique.
- And to conclude our return from the slough of despond, some encouraging news about forest restoration.
Nibbles: Wheat database, Livestock maps, Indian apple genebank, UC Davis strawberries, Cheese fungi postdoc, Fruit domestication, Brassica genome, Early hunting dogs, Threatened species numbers, Bolivia conservation
- A Wheat Germplasm Database To Rule Them All. No, not from CGIAR.
- New livestock maps of the world. Yes, from CGIAR.
- Kashmir ponders an apple genebank.
- More from Game of Strawberries.
- Wanna study the population genomics of cheese fungi? Course you do.
- Domesticating local fruit trees good for nutrition, but need secure tenure and good planting material.
- Building better broccoli, the genome way.
- Early domesticated dogs helped in mammoth hunts.
- Current extinction rate about 1000 times higher than background. Databases can help with that, believe it or not.
- Building a national PGRFA system in Bolivia. When will they ratify the ITPGRFA, though?
Nibbles: Global plant cover, Veggies in Africa, Ancient middens, Raspberry fruit colour, Citrus greening, Jordan biodiversity, US nutrition, Subsidies, Seed and voucher fair, Bean diversity, Grape mildew fight
- GIS geeks sort out land cover at last.
- Role of vegetables in combating malnutrition in Africa. Author offers pdf of paper.
- Ancient native American middens just keep on giving.
- Raspberry colour good predictor of various fruit post-harvest characteristics. Good short-cut for breeders.
- Getting to the root of citrus greening. Scary disease.
- Freaky stuff about using frog eggs to figure out the genetics of grapevine’s susceptibility to another scary disease.
- Video of our friend Dr Nigel Maxted on Jordan’s socioeconomically important plants.
- Physician, heal thyself. Indian tells USAID to take care of its own food insecurity.
- How to create subsidies that promote biodiversity, in a model, which is probably highly unrealistic.
- Very realistic notes from a seed and voucher fair in Malawi.
- And anecdotes on the benefits of bean diversity in Uganda.
Nibbles: Tomato colour, INBio demise, Specimens, Plant lore, Ancient chickens, Edible flowers, Urban veg, Trees & nutrition
- Deconstructing the colour of tomatoes. h/t @kctomato
- INBio folds? Or (h/t Jacob) government takes responsibility?
- Discussion on whether natural history specimens are necessary.
- So there’s a place where you can record your plant lore. No word on whether that’s linked to specimens.
- Yellow skin in chickens is a recent trait. Specimens involved. Part of that PNAS special feature on domestication.
- What have bees ever done for us?
- Edible flowers not just for pansies.
- Australia funds World Veg to research urban veg in Africa.
- Remember how we included in Brainfood a few months back a paper linking tree cover with dietary diversity and fruit/veg consumption in Africa? Well, here’s the PowerPoint.