Nibbles: High science, Methane-friendly rice, Gender, Indian priestesses, Banana extinction, Inka legacy, Diversity in ag, Yerba genome, Cucumber chains, Tomato relative, Agrobiodiversity in art

Brainfood: Nigerian fruit & veg, South African veggies, Veggies in home gardens, Standardizing phenotyping, Potato diversity, Triploid chamomile, Chocolate chip, Fungi & oils, Melon diversity, CC and grasslands

Nibbles: Pope, CGIAR, Agroecology, ABS, Food shortage, World flora, Nutella, Bees, GMOs, CC & wheat, CC & legumes, EU satellite, Seed saving, Wheat breeding, Strawberry breeding, Adopt-a-crop, Organic tea, Malagasy yams, Seed app, Ebola seeds, Sorghum spoons

And we’re back! While we were away…

Nibbles: Seeds, IPES report, Old wheat & bread, Twiga, Coca eradication, Double cheese, Breeding apples, Rose collection, Old tea, Insect as food, Fishing industry, UNFCCC negotiations, Famine book, Comms toolkit

  • Seeds scoped in the Pacific. I doubt the region will feature much in the Access to Seeds Index. Not unless it features community seed production groups like Atauro in East Timor.
  • Wanna reform the food system? Here’s the theory.
  • And here’s the practice, at least for wheat (and bread). Though some would probably beg to differ.
  • Blowing up African retail, one banana at the time.
  • Biological control of coca. What could possibly go wrong.
  • The reason for the holes in swiss cheese? We finally have the data.
  • But personally I prefer halloumi.
  • There are patents. There is PVP. And there are trademarks. A podcast on apple breeding, if you can believe it.
  • A whole bunch of heirloom roses all in one place.
  • Museum boffins find stale tea, Brits go ape.
  • Go on, have an insect.
  • Or maybe a nice piece of fish. While you can.
  • Confused about the UNFCCC negotiations about agriculture? Farming First has you covered.
  • Famine is history. Discuss.
  • NSF toolkit for communicating science. Maybe I should have read this before Nibbling.