Brainfood: Biological control, Mycorrhizal diversity, Trees in landscapes, Not-so-green agriculture, EU restoration, Speciation, Let them eat fruit, Grasspea diversity, Chinese pigs and goats, Cattle diversity worldwide, Hazelnut in vitro

Brainfood: Prunus africana diversity, Collecting Prunus, African extension, Nepal genebank, Greek plant eBay, Pepper diversity, Pest spread, Grassland diversity, Cowpea fermentation, Pea diversity, Banana cryo, Biodiversity trends

Brainfood: By-the-numbers Indian edition, with a touch of Bangladesh

Nibbles: GMO debate, IPCC report, SPC ag strategy, Teff, Biofortification conference, Urban protected areas, Costa Rican ecosystems

Nibbles: Date palm protection, IPCC report, Israel flora, Horsham genebank, Jubrassic Park, Broomcorn millet origins, Synthetic yeast chromosome

  • UAE date palms to get FAO recognition. So they’ll be ok then. Phew!
  • Unlike African agriculture, according to the IPCC.
  • Or Israel’s wild plants. Though what they intend to do about that is hidden behind a paywall. Can anyone tell me the answer?
  • The Australians know what to do. Build a new genebank
  • …and grown ginarmous brassicas.
  • Pat Heslop-Harrison for his part thinks we should collect more wild Panicum. And who are we to argue with him?
  • Hey, worst comes to worst, we can always build our own beer yeast.