- Today’s genomic breakthrough involves kernel number in maize.
- Neolithic people overhunted, then thought better of it.
- Was guinea fowl ever domesticated, I wonder?
- How to figure out if you’ve looked hard enough. For plants, that is. And some discussion.
- Gin is in trouble. But help is at hand.
- A workshop on chocolate and vanilla. My kinda event. And chocolate does need help. Gin, chocolate. Pretty soon life wont be worth living.
- Simran Sethi’s Twitter chat after TEDxManhattan was storified, but it’s gone now of course. Try this instead.
- Final say on that IPBES-1 gabfest.
- And the first say on that “Global Consultation on agricultural biodiversity for sustainable food security” thing.
Nibbles: Wikipedia, Cheese labels, Chickpea genome, Snake gourd, Phenotyping services, Politics, Sustainability on NUS, Brassica review
- Natural History Museum wants a wikipedian. So, in a different way, does Crops for the Future.
- The poetry of New York cheese labels.
- Another crop genome bites the dust.
- Kew contemplates the snake gourd.
- Now you can outsource your experiments.
- Strange bedfellows: small organic farmers and the Tea Party, a marriage made in Nebraska.
- Got research on underutilized species (or indeed sustainable food chains) you think you might like to publish?
- The OECD publishes a huge study of the biology of Brassica crops. Yes, the OECD.
Nibbles: Mopane worms, Food security solutions, Bamboo promise, Jackfruit value addition, Conservation horizon scanning, Obesity @Davos, MLS on ABS, GMO wiki, Tree domestication, Dairy goats
- Fox News discovers mopane worms. Oh hum. This comes around very regularly, doesn’t it.
- More allegedly innovative solutions to tackling something called the food security nexus. Which apparently doesn’t include trade. How about mopane worms?
- Or bamboo? Or jackfruit?
- Horizon scan of emerging conservation issues discussed by author and tweep Prof. Sutherland in PlanetEarth podcast. No, mopane worms didn’t make the list.
- Davos participants step away from buffet (no word on whether featuring mopane) long enough to disagree about obesity.
- How long to a multilateral system for mopane? Or bamboo for that matter.
- Do we need a wiki for information on GMOs? Have your say at Biofortified. I would personally like to see one on mopane worms.
- Domesticating Allanblackia. Maybe you could grow mopane worms on it when you’re done?
- Sick of mopane worms? How about an indigestable report on the First Asia Dairy Goat Conference?
Nibbles: Large pumpkin, Wheat genome, Timorese nutrition, Seeds for Needs, PPB, Fruit trees, Nutrition ROI, Ecosystem services, Coffee costs, Cacao flavour, Pig slaughtering, Goats threats, Dog diet, Australian migrations
- Wow, that’s one huge pumpkin!
- Genomic whiz-bangery, which was apparently not involved in producing the above pumpkin, continues to hold much promise for wheat yields. And your jetpack is in the mail. I would ban the use of the word promise in this type of article. But since I can’t do that, I promise not to link to them ever again.
- Jess gets to grips with Timorese nutrition. Get those local landraces back from any genebank that has them, Jess. And don’t forget to collect any remaining ones.
- Then you could do some cool Seeds-for-Needs-type stuff.
- And maybe some local breeding too?
- And don’t forget local fruit trees!
- Because you know investing in nutrition is really cost-effective.
- Though of course it’s not just about the money.
- Especially when it comes to coffee.
- Or cacao for that matter.
- They shoot hogs, don’t they? Maybe even in East Timor. Goats, alas, have problems of their own.
- And as for dogs, we forced them to digest starch. What even the dingo? I bet there are dingo-like dogs in East Timor.
Nibbles: Quinoa to and fro, Pasta past, Madagascar prospecting, Hunger games, Livestock genetics, Smallholder technologies, Wheat LOLA, ESA and the ITPGRFA, Development and the CAP, Conservation agriculture, Development in hard places, Food & culture exhibition
- Quinoa is bad. Well, good for some. No, good for everyone. No, really. Damn, this story is complicated!
- The story of pasta is pretty convoluted too.
- Collecting in Madagascar can be tricky.
- Lots of ways to combat hunger, no easy way to figure out which is best.
- On the other hand, it’s very easy to see how livestock genetics will feed the world. No, wait…
- FAO has a nifty website on “Technologies and practices for small agricultural producers” but even the “advanced interface” (sic) lacks an RSS feed. I ask you, how difficult is it to bung in an RSS feed? Anyway, there is some stuff on participatory breeding and diversification, though if you use the search term “landraces”, it helpfully suggests you may have meant “landslides.”
- I don’t suppose FAO is in any case interested in the Landrace Pillar of the Wheat Pre-Breeding Lola. Nope, didn’t think so.
- The European Seed Association doesn’t like the latest EU report on IP rights and genetic resources. They think the ITPGRFA not sufficiently recognized. Not as complicated as the quinoa controversy, but I storified it anyway. And then had to export it to a really ugly PDF in 2018 when that all came to an end.
- Still at the EU, Olivier De Schutter thinks they need to “development-proof” the CAP. Too difficult to think through the connection to the above, but I’m sure it exists.
- The 3rd International Conference on Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia has its proceedings online. Not just conservation agriculture, though. If you look hard enough there’s some conservation of agriculture. If you see what I mean. You get both in Miguel Altieri’s vision, of course.
- Development is a hard row to hoe. Especially if you’re into fish.
- Nothing hard, at least on the eyes, about the AMNH’s Our Global Kitchen: Food, Nature, Culture exhibition.