Nibbles: Tree diversity, Cacao strategy, IFPRI strategy, Caribbean strategy, Mango conservation strategy, Olive migrations, African cassava, African Striga, Ecosystem services, Model plant

Biotechnological success stories sought

Do you have examples of

…high impact and/or teachable instances where non-GMO agricultural biotechnologies are, and have been, used to serve the needs of smallholder farmers in developing countries in the crop, forestry, livestock and fisheries sectors.

If so, you might like to know that

FAO is opening a competition to identify … five case studies and the writers that will document them. The selected authors will each receive a small honorarium and will have their authorship reflected on the publication.

The publication being “Case Studies of use of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries”, which is intended as a follow-up to FAO’s 2010 International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries. The target audience is non-technical, and the term biotechnology covers a multitude of sins.

Read all the details. Good luck!

Brainfood: Resistances, Seed networks, Medicinal plant protection, Pollinator knowledge gaps

Brainfood: Host-pathogen genomics, Maize-teosinte system, Organic Europe meta-analysis, Food perceptions, Guanaco, Earthworms, Pea & powdery mildew, Pea drought tolerance, Butternut regeneration, Wild tomato salt tolerance, Germination & climate change, Medieval melons, Barley domestication, Rice origin, Livestock & wildlife, Niche modelling, Insects

Brainfood: Wild barley drought tolerance, GM cassava retraction, Lupinus ploidy, Diversity levels