- Governing Agrobiodiversity by Regine Andersen. Anyone read it and want to review it for us?
- Louise Sperling on assessing the security of seed systems.
- Ike inflates Cohiba prices?
- Kibera slum goes very green. Via.
- “35 years ago, I was bringing seeds from France to California. Now I’m bringing seeds back to my friends in France.”
- John Innes Centre maps out a future for peas.
- Pictures from my recent trip to CATIE in Costa Rica, including some agrobiodiversity.
Nibbles: Women, Rats, Figs, Mammoths, Castor oil, Heirlooms, Orchards, Genebanks
- “Take into account both women’s and men’s preferences when developing and introducing new varieties.”
- Rats!
- Domestication of figs pre-dates that of cereals?
- Neanderthals liked barbecue.
- Underutilized plant in homegarden a terror threat.
- Heirloom bean farmer feted by Washington Post, added to Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog blogroll.
- Orchards as hotspots of agrobiodiversity.
- “…grass pea is a ‘poster child’…”
Nibbles: Favas, Olives, Insects, Beer, Hallucinogen
- UK breeders scour ICARDA’s fava beans for better genes. What next? Chianti?
- Olive cultivation then and now. An archaeologist speaks.
- Entomophagy.
- Lager yeast origins.
- Salvia divinorum: underutilized no longer.
Nibbles: Seed hunter, Milk, Wine, Pollinators, Cacao, Berries
- Seed hunter hunts cash. Australians can watch on 21 October.
- Is selling milk retail really diversification? Alex thinks so.
- In vino variety. Jeremy sez: “Theft (of headline) is flattery”.
- Pollinator presence plummets. Luigi also sez: “Theft (of headline) is flattery”.
- Cacao Germplasm Evaluation and Characterization Project. Nuff said.
- Ribes redux.
Nibbles: Poppies, Gardening, Milk, Grapes, Genebanks, Meat, Biotech, IK, Plant health
- Dropping the poppy.
- Gardening on windowsills and along roadsides.
- Cooling camel milk. Via.
- Fingerprinting grapes.
- “The seed banks that are run by agribusiness corporations would be a costly pursuit for the government and farmers.” Where to start responding to this? Thanks, Jeff.
- Further evidence of food price crisis.
- “What does biodiversity mean to Syngenta?“
- Traditional healer goes online. Via.
- Videos from Global Plant Clinic.