Scary climate change story

ResearchBlogging.orgA paper ((Lobell, D.B., Burke, M.B., Tebaldi, C., Mastrandrea, M.D., Falcon, W.P., Naylor, R.L. (2008). Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation Needs for Food Security in 2030. Science, 319, 607-610.)) and commentary ((Brown, M.E., Funk, C.C. (2008). Food Security Under Climate Change. Science, 319, 580-581.)) in the latest Science make pretty compelling reading for anyone with an interest in how climate change will affect agriculture and food security. Long-standing readers will remember a little round-up that included the work of our chums Andy Jarvis and Annie Lane. They predicted the effect of climate change on the suitability of different areas for different crops. David Lobell and his colleagues at Stanford University take a different tack, to answer a slightly different question: what are the top priorities for investing in agriculture to cope with climate change.

They isolated 12 regions where most of the world’s malnourished people are concentrated. Then they analyzed 20 different climate change models to get a feel for how temperature and rainfall would change in those areas. And finally, they looked at the specific crops that people in those regions eat and used past correlations between yield and temperature and yield and rainfall to predict how those crops might respond to the predicted changes in climate. This is an important step. As the researchers point out, “Rice, maize and wheat contribute roughly half of the calories currently consumed by the world’s poor and only 31% of the calories consumed by those in sub-Saharan Africa”. There’s a whole bunch more jiggery-pokery in there that ends up allowing the researchers to come up with best and worst case scenarios for each of the regions they consider, and some sharp conclusions.

Southern Africa and South Asia are going to be hit hard. Maize in Southern Africa and wheat and millet in South Asia are likely to show large declines. But there are also regions with large uncertainty, with some models predicting an increase and others a decrease. Groundnut in South Asia and sorghum in Southern Africa are examples of these, probably because the historical data on yield correlations are poor.

The results are summed up in a table that, the authors point out, could help agencies decide where to invest scarce resources. Those that are really risk averse might focus on wheat in South Asia, rice in Southeast Asia and maize in Southern Africa, all of which are predicted to drop by all the models. An investment in those crops is most likely to generate “some benefits”. A different view would be that investment should focus on crops and regions where at least some of the models predict strong depression of yields, because even if the projection is unlikely, if it does happen the consequences will be great. Many crops in South Asia, along with sorghum in the Sahel and maize in Southern Africa fall into this group.

The bigger question is, what form should those investments take? This is where the commentary adds its 2 cents worth. Molly Brown and Christopher Funk point out a double-whammy awaiting poor farmers:

In food-insecure regions, many farmers both consume their product and sell it in local markets. This exposes farmers to climate variations, because when they produce less their income goes down while their costs go up to maintain basic consumption. Large-scale hunger can ensue, even when there is sufficient food in the market that has been imported from elsewhere.

The solution that Brown and Funk see is largely technological; irrigation, fertilizers, improved varieties. Indeed, they aver that “technological sophistication determines a farm’s productivity far more than its climatic and agricultural endowments,” and of course at one level they are right. They also say that “poor farmers in the tropics will be less able to cope with changes in climate because they have far fewer options in their agricultural systems to begin with”.

I wonder whether that is correct. For the most marginal farmers, without irrigation or fertilizers or improved varieties, options — in the form of agricultural biodiversity — is all they do have. Development agencies are again starting to pay attention to agricultural research, and the Lobell paper and others on climate change are going to help them focus their efforts. It is clear that all approaches will need to be explored, among them helping people to adopt new foods in their diets and cultures. Will that include helping the most marginal farmers to use agrobiodiversity — local and exotic — to secure their food supplies in the face of climate change?

Can’t stomach golden rice? Get your teeth into golden maize!

ResearchBlogging.orgVitamin A deficiency causes eye disease in 40 million children each year and places another 200 million or thereabouts at risk for other health problems. In sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, between 17% and 30% of children under the age of 5 suffer vitamin A deficiency. Simple solution: give them more vitamin A. But how?

The poorest regions, which stand to benefit most, often do not have the infrastructure to deliver vitamin supplements, either directly or in fortified foods. Diversifying the diet is dismissed out of hand. ((Full disclosure: I don’t myself buy the reasons given for not doing more to diversify diet, but this is not the place for that argument. This is: Johns, T. & Eyzaguirre, P. B. (2007). Biofortification, biodiversity and diet: A search for complementary applications against poverty and malnutrition. Food Policy, 32(1), 1-24.)) So the technical types turn to plant breeding, and in particular the notion of biofortified foods, whereby staple crops are selected to contain higher levels of micronutrients. It was this approach that gave the world Golden Rice, by shifting one of the enzymes in the carotenoid synthesis pathway from daffodil to rice.

An ungrateful world still has not accepted golden rice as the saviour of blind little children, but the technical types have not stopped working. In the latest Science ((Harjes, C.E., Rocheford, T.R., Bai, L., Brutnell, T.P., Kandianis, C.B., Sowinski, S.G., Stapleton, A.E., Vallabhaneni, R., Williams, M., Wurtzel, E.T., Yan, J., Buckler, E.S. (2008). Natural Genetic Variation in Lycopene Epsilon Cyclase Tapped for Maize Biofortification. Science, 319(5861), 330-333. DOI: 10.1126/science.1150255)) a large team led by Edward Buckler at Cornell University, reports on a different approach to biofortification.

So what other staples are there, preferably ones that might already contain the genes to make vitamin A precursors? Step forward maize, some varieties of which have yellow and even golden orange kernels. It is not enough, however, simply to look at the maize kernels and score them on some scale from pale yellow to deep orange. The reason is that not all carotenoids are created equal. Beta carotene is the precursor of choice, because it contains two of the necessary chemical rings to make vitamin A. Shade of yellow correlates very poorly with total beta-carotene. But all this is detail above and beyond the call of duty. The point is that maize varieties display enormous variability both in total carotenes and in the proportion of beta carotene.

Maize varieties are also hugely genetically diverse. In fact, the differences between two maize varieties is considerably greater than the difference between humans and chimpanzees. Buckler’s group took the known variability in maize kernel colour and asked whether genetic differences were associated with the carotene profile of the variety. They were. The gene for one particular enzyme — lycopene epsilon cyclase — has a large effect on the provitamin A carotenoids.

There’s more in the full paper (which requires a subscription), but one reason that this could be an important result is that it is reasonably easy for others to make use of it. Genetic markers for the favourable versions of the crucial gene make it possible for breeders to look for the potential in any varieties they have that are already adapted to the conditions for which they are breeding. The favourable type is reasonably widespread, so finding parents for crosses should be reasonably easy. Analyzing carotenoid compounds is expensive and difficult, but scoring the target gene is not only about 1000 times cheaper, it is also well within the capabilities of those developing countries that need more vitamin A.

The contrast with Golden Rice couldn’t be greater. That is a proprietary technology that has graciously been made available to those who have the expertise to make use of it. This approach to a nutritionally-improved maize should be much simpler to put to work. Information needed for the DNA analysis is being made freely available, as are inbred maize lines that could make it easier for breeders worldwide. So things look good for biofortified maize, at least technically.

There’s just one remaining little problem — will people eat yellow maize, even if they know it is good for them? Changing human feeding behaviour can be so much harder than changing the food they eat.

Stop press: Prefer wheat to maize or rice? Golden wheat comes a step closer too, with a paper in Euphytica. Italian and Spanish wheat breeders transferred nuclei from wheat into cells from wild barley and from wild wheat relatives. Wheat wild relatives increased the amount of lutein, another carotenoid.