Bee immunity

We’ve spent some time on the big bee die off (although not on the mobile phones) as have many other blogs and newspaper articles. In the US, the problem has reached epidemic proportions and has raised serious concerns about the future of several crops that depend to a large degree on bee pollination. Unfortunately recent evidence seems to suggest that the problem, which has been called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has been spotted in Europe, as well. The cause or causes of CCD are unknown, but the list includes the usual suspects ranging from transgenic crops and pathogens to global warming and newly developed pesticides. Oh yes, and cell phones.

So the e-publication of a paper due to appear in the Journal of Heredity ((Variation and Heritability in Immune Gene Expression by Diseased Honeybees. Laura I. Decanini, Anita M. Collins, and Jay D. Evans Journal of Heredity Advance Access published online on April 2, 2007, doi:10.1093/jhered/esm008)) (behind a paywall) is timely. It describes the heritability and genetic variation of a gene called abaecin which is a key component of the immune system of bees.

Bees, like nearly all eukaryotes, have an innate immunity, but are generally thought to lack the additional adaptive immune response, which we and most other vertebrate species have. That is to say insects can’t get the ‘flu and respond by making specific antibodies to the virus (In fairness, the notion that insects do not have an adaptive immune system has been challenged recently by studies in Drosophila. ((Extensive Diversity of Ig-Superfamily Proteins in the Immune System of Insects Fiona L. Watson, Roland Püttmann-Holgado, Franziska Thomas, David L. Lamar, Michael Hughes, Masahiro Kondo, Vivienne I. Rebel, Dietmar Schmucker. Science Vol. 309, pp. 1874 – 1878 DOI: 10.1126/science.1116887 Abstract here.)) )

To find out whether abacein expression differed between bee populations, scientists at the US Department of Agriculture crossed several unrelated males into a homogeneous maternal background and then challenged the offspring with Paenibacillus larvae. This is the bacterium that causes American foulbrood, a widespread larval disease of bees. Subsequent measurements in affected larvae showed that the level of abaecin was moderately heritable but highly variable, differing by as much as 10,000 times between different lines. Why this is variation exists at all is a matter of speculation, but it might be due to selective pressures: an arms race between hosts and different pathogen strains or species.

At any rate an understanding of the components of the immune response in bees at the molecular level and the realization that there appears to exist considerable genetic variation that could be exploited would seem to offer one of the more promising approaches to selection for pathogen resistance. Whether that will stop CCD is anyone’s guess ((From Michael Kubisch)).

Cereals databases

Before I disappear for a few days of immersion in the First International Breadfruit Symposium back in Fiji, let me point to two somewhat complementary online resources on cereals genetic resources that I have come across – no doubt Jeremy will say and about time too – in the past couple of days.

The FIGS database brings together passport and evaluation data on bread wheat landraces from a number of the major genebanks and “allows the user to efficiently interrogate the data associated with this collection and provides the capacity to identify custom subsets of accessions with single and multiple trait(s) that may be of importance to breeding programs.” FIGS stands for “Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy,” and the focus is on identifying material with resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses.

The other database is that of Israel’s Institute of Cereal Crop Improvement, which includes information on accessions of wild cereal relatives collected over the past 30 years. Again, there’s a particular focus on data on disease resistance.

Indian potato chips

Indian potato growers are turning to a new, low-sugar variety of potato because it is better for making chips (crisps if you’re British), for which there is rapidly increasing demand. Would be interesting to monitor the effect on “local” varieties, no?

Sweet smelling durian

Dr Songpol Somsri from Thailand has done a lot of crossing of wild species of durian to come up with one that doesn’t smell like decomposing cats. There should be more recognition for this sort of achievement: it has a greater potential to add to the sum total of human happiness than any number of Nobel Prizes for economics, say.

Climate change: Diversity the mother of invention?

Our man with the factor 30 sunscreen and the big umbrella writes:

Climate change is the new black. Everyone’s talking about, if you haven’t experienced it, well frankly you haven’t lived. We’ve heard this week that 39% of the world will have novel climates in 2100 (via Eco-Justice Blog). The concept of “novel” climates is a little abstract, but the authors of the study did a good job of bringing attention to the fact that new solutions are needed to adapt to climate change. It’s not always just a question of transferring existing technologies and practices. Without alienating the good people who invited me to write this, I’m afraid that for these areas conventional crop improvement of some of the hardiest crops is perhaps the most rational means of confronting this. (No alienation here: Ed.) Either that or give up on agriculture in these regions and intensify in the less affected regions.

But the study leaves 61% of climates where change is predicted, but to a climate already found currently on the earth. That’s a calming thought, as long as of course we have faith in the conventional climate models and hope the doomsday scenarios don’t come true. This opens up a world of opportunities for agricultural biodiversity, where an eternal optimist like me could even think something good might come of it. After all, adversity is the mother of invention. Perhaps the building blocks for agriculture adapted to the Brazilian cerrados will come from landraces used by farmers from the Sahel belt in Niger.

What do we need to do?

We need to get out of the abstract paradigm that we’ve constructed of ex situ collections, leading to crop breeding of blanket solutions, followed by a less than optimal delivery of new seed technologies. Farmers have exchanged seeds informally for millennia, and the rich diversity of landraces is testament to the fact that this works, especially in the face of change. We need to go back a hundred years, and direct all our 21st century advances in international diplomacy and treaties, communication technologies and truly use our ex situ collections to redeploy diversity and stimulate a diversification of agricultural systems.

Why? Well for starters studies point to climate change impacts being highly localized. To over-simplify, deploying a new seed technology across an entire region would result in improved adaptation for some, but a failure to capitalize on an opportunity for others. Of course, that’s the flip side of diversity: how to avoid sub-optimal use of diversity? How can we help a farmer to use the most adapted seed, maximizing the opportunity without being over-exposed to risk? Plenty of valid research questions.

Of course, we need to do a lot more and diversity is unfortunately not capable of confronting climate change alone. But I’m interested to hear ideas of how we might operationalise the redeployment of agrobiodiversity, especially in marginal areas.

From Andy Jarvis. If you have ideas, leave a comment.

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