Nibbles: Biofortification, Sweetpotato, Rare breeds podcast, Zooming goats, Farmers market, Three Sisters, Amazon, Grapevine resistance, Zostera

  1. Pretty much the last thing biofortified crops do is empower farmers to be food system change agents. But they’re still a pretty good idea.
  2. Same for the sweet potato in the Caribbean. On both counts.
  3. Jeremy’s latest on saving rare livestock breeds. Now, that would change the food system a bit.
  4. But would those rare breeds work on Zoom?
  5. Maybe this farmers market in Nairobi could stir things up a bit.
  6. Learning from Native American farming practices is always a good idea.
  7. Rethinking the Amazon development model could do with some of that too.
  8. Grapevine wild relatives are pretty empowering too.
  9. And, for at least one chef, so is eelgrass.

Brainfood: Livestock edition

Tweeting beans

Twitter is often a hellsite, but every once in a while, it really comes through. Case in point is this cool summary of a recent paper on the genetics and physiology of seed dormancy in common beans posted by one of the authors, Dr David Lowry.

Now, I know some of you are not going to want to click on the above, so here it is in ThreadReader. And if you just want the bottom line…