Nibbles: African veggies, Commodities, Grasslands, Spices, TZ coconuts, Jordan genebank, Mosquito domestication, Jamon, GRIN-Global, Cultivariable

Brainfood: Seeds & corona, Bleeding finance, Maiz de humedo, High altitude maize, Open data, Seed swapping, Wheat core, Banana epigenetics, Soil biodiversity, Ethiopian mustard diversity, Ryegrass GWAS, Peanut antioxidants, CWR conservation, VRR

Nibbles: Quinoa, Another quinoa, Old Apple Tree, “Anglo-Saxon” ag, SADC landraces, Record whisky, “Shipped but Not Sold”

Beating a (cassava) virus in SE Asia

Guess which part of the field has the yield trial for the #CMD resistant clones?

CMD being Cassava Mosaic Disease, one of the most damaging of crop viruses. The question, and photo, come from a recent tweet from a regional team coordinated by the entity formerly known as CIAT that is trying to develop “sustainable solutions to cassava disease in SE Asia” with support from ACIAR and CGIAR’s Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas.

Some of the resistant varieties that are doing so well in the photo are identified elsewhere in the thread as the IITA lines TME3, TMEB419, TMS980581, TMS980505 and TMS920057.

But this PowerPoint from Dr Xiaofei Zhang explains that those were only the beginning. Additional promising material came from a bunch of other sources.