Brainfood: Ethiopian ABS, Horse double, Grapevine double, Naked barley, Sub clover diversity, Soybean diversity, USDA sorghum, Chicken diversity double, VAM, Oz wild rice

Not that kind of flesh

Oh, Twitter, you’re such a tease.

Knowing that I am currently working on orange-fleshed sweetpotatoes, Luigi kindly sent me a link to a tweet. This one:

Tweet about orange-fleshed sweetpotato

That red ellipse? I’m drawing your attention to Twitter’s warning that seeing the images might bring on an attack of the vapours in highly-attuned personalities.

Is it just the word “fleshed”? I had to know.

Tweet about orange-fleshed sweetpotato with images

I dunno. “Filth,” they say, “is in the mind of the beholder” and I have to say, I’m not seeing it.

Orange-flesh, though. Where else have I seen that? Maybe that’s what Twitter is trying to warn me against.

No matter. Congratulations to @CIPotato and @RTB_CGIAR.

Nibbles: CGN, Software, Foods, MSB, Old date, Cacao lab, Cherokee seeds, Data viz, Popmillets