Nibbles: Breeding, Vegetables, Early agriculture, Breeding course, Nabhan, Gardens, Sequencing twice, er no, once.

Nibbles: Vavilov on couscous, Molecular studentships, Goat genetics, Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Sweet potato, New Agriculturist, Vietnam and CC, Liberian ag research, Cuisine

Nibbles: Indian buffalo, Indian local crops, CBD, AgricultureBridge, Kew, Geo-referencing, Cyprus, China and climate change, CC icons, Chinese AnGR, FAO information, Rose symbolism, Pacific ethnobotany, Grape history and genetics, Taraxacum

Hold on to your hats, this will make up for lost time. Hope you all had a nice break, Happy New Year!

Nibbles: Stilton, India, food Crisis, Banana Genome, Uganda, GMOs, Fruit Hunters

Corn genome

We’ve been almost silent on the massive effort this past week announcing the full sequence of the corn (maize) genome, mostly because we don’t actually have that much to contribute. Corn News Central this past week has been James and the Giant Corn; here’s his summary post. One of the things he linked to was a video of Patrick Schnable, one of the lead scientists, explaining what they did, how they did it and why they did it — at least in part — in under 4 minutes. I think it’s instructive.

I’m looking forward to reading about how the full sequence illuminates the domestication of corn, which I’ve read it does.