- All hail the garden of agrobiodiversity that is the Southern Caucasus, says FAO.
- Paywalled Nature paper links biodiversity with disease spread — even in agriculture. Get it here.
- Roman pig yields the secrets of tasty pork — in about another 2000 years.
- Nepal’s genebank goes from strength to strength.
- Rare Breeds Survival Trust gets lifetime achievement award. Good to gnaw.
- “It’s high time the ancestral knowledge possessed by small farmers and indigenous people was appreciated at its true value.” Climate change edition.
Nibbles: Horticulture, Phylogeny, Wheat stripe, Chaffey, Shrubs, AnGR, Spirulina, Capparis, Cricetus, Biofortification
- Online map of horticultural projects. Mash it up with the CGIAR map, anyone?
- Evolution and taxonomy of crop groups: Annonaceae and Allium.
- Dealing with wheat stripe in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Some good news there.
- Nigel Chaffey does his usual thing. Inimitable.
- Today’s thing on what Africa needs for this Greener or Double Green or whatever Revolution everyone wants it to have.
- Latest from FAO on what’s happening in livestock genetic resources conservation around the world.
- And the latest wonder food. I’ll pass, thanks.
- Improving capers through radiation. One of those things where you have to wonder whether it’s really all worth it.
- The genetic diversity of the Polish common hamster. Wait, what?
- Biofortified crops to the rescue. Again. Gotta wonder about overexposure. The backlash, when it inevitably comes, is going to be a doozy.
Nibbles: Milk deaths, Peas, Botany, Mixed cropping
- The perils of industrial agriculture‘s race to the bottom.
- Heirloom veg nuts play with gene jockeys and everybody wins.
- The roadside botanist, bananas and cassava biodiversity.
- Biodiversity can support a greener revolution in Africa; fine paper. Ignore the press release; it’s rubbish.
Genebankers to talk genomics
The Plant and Animal Genome XIX Conference, in San Diego on 15-19 January 2011, will have a workshop on Genomics of Genebanks. Any of our readers planning to go?
Nibbles: Gourd, Climate, Khasi, Diet, Mauka, Diseases
- Unusual uses for a gourd.
- CIAT says North Africa will suffer most from climate change. So it must be true.
- Food Festival in the Khasi-Jaintia Hills of Mawphlang in India.
- Forget the global poor and their hidden hunger. We’re not eating our fruit and veg either.
- Evangelinemay1 wants to know how to “bring back biodiversity to our agricultural crops“. Let’s all love-bomb her, shall we?
- Radix has mauka seeds! (He means anthocarps of Mirabilis expansa.)
- ILRI continues to decrease agrobiodiversity — of animal diseases.