Featured: Uses of nettels

Christopher Taylor reminds us of the uses of other Urticaceae:

One thing I discovered a while ago when looking up ramie was that nettles themselves (Urtica) contain fibre that can be used in weaving. Nettle fibre isn’t used so much currently because, to be honest, it’s kind of rubbish, but it did have a usage spike in Britain during World War II when better-quality materials such as linen were in short supply.

The multifarious uses of nettles, as coincidence would have it, Jeremy nibbled about only a few days ago.

Featured: Maps

Meike, on GMO introgression “risk” mapped:

We have not only uploaded the maps … but also the raw data that we have used for mapping the distributions of the crop wild relatives (as grid, Google Earth kml, and excel files). So before searching GBIF, SINGER and other online databases: you might save yourself some (a lot!) time if you have a look here first, because we have already done this for most of the wild relatives of 20 different crops!