Nibbles: Allanblackia domestication, Rampion census, Mali reforestation, Indian sacred groves, Oysters, Seaweeds, Breeding organics, EMBRAPA, Fisheries bycatch, Writing NUS proposals, Nutrition mag, Biofortification

Nibbles: Recognizing breeds, Cannabis in New Zealand, Farming systems data, Maize inbreds, Zinc in wheat, Markets for nature, Ramie, Milk and drought, ELBARN

Nibbles: CIAT, Apples, Poverty, Protected areas, Honey, Juniper, Irish oak

  • Learn about CIAT’s reseach via the posters they put on slideshare. Couple on their beans and cassava genebank.
  • Trying to speed up apple breeding.
  • Biodiversity interventions find it difficult to fight poverty. How about agrobiodiversity interventions?
  • More bad news: protected areas don’t work anyway. At least for trees in Burkina Faso.
  • Boffins trying to spot contraband honey. There’s contraband honey?
  • Gin drinkers told to start worrying.
  • Forest of Belfast project to wind up, but not before finding really old oak.

Crop wild relatives mashed up with deforestation

The recent PNAS paper on deforestation has been getting a lot of attention. The data are available, and our mole at CIAT (thanks, Julian!) kindly mashed them up with the distribution of a selection of crop wild relatives (Cajanus, Cicer, Eleusine, Hordeum, Lens, Pennisetum, Phaseolus, Sorghum, Triticum, Aegilops, Vicia, Vigna, and Zea). Here’s the result. In red are shown area where forest loss is >10%. Green shows areas where >15 species in the above genera are expected to be found from niche models. You’ll have to click on it to see it properly.

Perhaps not surprisingly given the genepools involved, there’s not much overlap between crop wild relative richness and deforestation. These particular species don’t seem to have much to fear from the loss of forested land. Except for a few small areas in southern Africa, that is.

The picture would clearly be somewhat different if Julian had included wild cassava, rubber, apples or mangoes. I’m sure he will very soon.