- How to make a cordial from tuna. No, not the fish.
- Looking beyond the borders of protected areas.
- NY Times op-ed on “hidden hunger.”
- Google reveals backyard chicken coop bubble in US.
- 3000-year-old irrigation system found in Arizona.
- New NWFP-Digest out.
- An overview of ungulate conservation in Mexico.
- Protected wolves threaten sheep flocks in China.
Nibbles: Sacred sites, Pollan, Atlas of Food, Bison, Urban trees
- Sacred places conserve biodiversity.
- Amy Goodman interviews Michael Pollan.
- Mapping food.
- Bringing back the prairie.
- Urban forestry in Toronto.
Nibbles: Liberia
Nibbles: CCD, Organic breeding, Bioprospecting
- “The growing consensus among researchers is that multiple factors such as poor nutrition and exposure to pesticides can interact to weaken colonies and make them susceptible to a virus-mediated collapse.”
- “…breeding spring wheat specific to organic agriculture should be conducted on organically managed land.”
- “A project developing medicinal products from plants found in Kakamega forest, western Kenya, has transformed the livelihoods of nearby communities…”
Another international day coming up
Don’t make any plans for 18 September: it’s World Bamboo Day. And it’s the climax of the VIII World Bamboo Congress in Thailand, which goes under the title of Bamboo, the Environment and Climate Change this year. If you don’t think bamboo is particularly important, read about the plight of a Bhutanese village. Via the INBAR website, via the new NWFP newsletter.