- The genetic ancestry of American Creole cattle inferred from uniparental and autosomal genetic markers. Out of Africa…
- Tracing the genetic origin of two Acacia mearnsii seed orchards in South Africa. For one of the orchards, the origin is unknown, but it’s distinct to all the other, known provenances.
- Genetic Characterization of Apulian Olive Germplasm as Potential Source in New Breeding Programs. Ok, but unclear what all this means for Xylella resistance, which presumably was the main reason for doing the work?
- Whole-genome resequencing of Cucurbita pepo morphotypes to discover genomic variants associated with morphology and horticulturally valuable traits. The two subspecies were domesticated and evolved independently.
- Mapping the effects of drought on child stunting. Lower precipitation is bad for kids.
- Governing Seeds in East Africa in the Face of Climate Change: Assessing Political and Social Outcomes. Wealthier, more food secure households are more likely to grow maize hybrids. Cause? Effect? But in any case the commercialization agenda has left sorghum behind.
- Exploiting genetic variation in nitrogen use efficiency for cereal crop improvement. Back to the genebank. Just one of a whole issue on genetic variation in physiological traits.
- Black Sigatoka in bananas: Ecoclimatic suitability and disease pressure assessments. The high yield areas are most at threat.
- Fats of the Land: New Histories of Agricultural Oils. Hidden histories are the best histories.
- Food Provisioning Services Via Homegardens and Communal Sharing in Satoyama Socio-ecological Production Landscapes on Japan’s Noto Peninsula. Sharing promotes diversity. Kinda beautiful.
- Cow Sharing and Alpine Ecosystems: A Comparative Case Study of Sharing Practices and Property Rights. The jury is out on whether it contributes to conservation, but it still seems pretty cool.
- Horse phenotyping based on video image analysis of jumping performance for conservation breeding. Judges don’t know what they’re talking about.
- Preserving the nutritional quality of crop plants under a changing climate: importance and strategies. Mainly due to eCO2. Need to breed for it under the new conditions. Or try other crops.
Nibbles: Crop map, Breeding, CePaCT, African coconut, Cacao & vanilla, Malaysian fruits, Basmati, Rice saving, Grapevine diversity, Wild foods, Cornell hemp genebank, Potato breeding course, Chinese aquaculture, Chinese trees, Plant identification, Menu language, Shepherding, US forests, Global fires, Red Listing, MERL, Pea gin
- Nice vintage map of global crop distribution, starring wheat.
- CIMMYT DG on the glories of plant breeding, starring wheat (p. 6).
- Australia supports Pacific genebank. No wheat in sight.
- Saving coconut. No, not in the Pacific.
- The history of chocolate and vanilla. The crops, not the ice cream.
- Speaking of ice cream: maybe someone should try making some out of these tasty endangered fruits before it’s too late.
- Speaking of tasty: basmati.
- Speaking of rice: this guy has 1420 varieties.
- Hey, it’s not about the taste: it’s the ethics too, stupid. But, being wine, it’s also about the taste.
- Speaking of ethics: what good is forest conservation if it stops people accessing wild foods.
- At least one senator gets it.
- You’ve got a few weeks to register for a potato breeding course. Using CWR, no less.
- Amazing pics of Chinese aquaculture.
- Chinese efforts to save ancient trees. No connection with above at all. And no pics.
- Google will identify your plants. Of course it will.
- Speaking at Google: a linguist (Dan Jurafsky) on menus.
- Next generation shepherding in South Africa. No sign of Google, though. For now.
- Interactive atlas of US forests. There goes the afternoon. Imagine if if ever got mashed up with the global fire atlas.
- Automated Red List assessments. Wow.
- The MERL has an exhibition on the history of farming. One of my favourite museums, one of my favourite topics. My cup runneth over.
- Gin made from peas. Sometimes I hate farming.
Brainfood: Biodiversity & production, Tertiary tomato, Maya collapse, Restoration opportunities, Mixtures, Synchronous crop failure, Boswellia future, Soya diversity, Genetic load, Domestication, Ag & biodiversity, Cotton domestication, Food preservation
- Contributions of biodiversity to the sustainable intensification of food production. They are various and considerable, but context-specific. See additional data here. See also everything below…
- Development of interspecific hybrids between Solanum lycopersicum L. and S. sisymbriifolium Lam. via embryo calli. Tertiary genepool? No problem.
- The Role of Diet in Resilience and Vulnerability to Climate Change among Early Agricultural Communities in the Maya Lowlands. More diverse diets allowed Maya to survive the droughts of the Late Pre-Classic Period (AD 100–300) better than those of the Terminal Classic Period (AD 750–1000).
- Global restoration opportunities in tropical rainforest landscapes. Massive mashing up of spatial datasets concludes that top 10% areas for potential return of benefits and feasibility of forest restoration are located largely within conservation hotspots and in countries committed to the Bonn Challenge, but cover only a small portion of the Key Biodiversity Area network.
- Plant domestication disrupts biodiversity effects across major crop types. Wild relatives are better at living in diverse mixtures than their descendant crops.
- Synchronous crop failures and climate-forced production variability. ENSO has caused global crop failures. Which are likely to get more frequent.
- Frankincense in peril. Because of cows and fire.
- Identification of Loci Controlling Adaptation in Chinese Soybean Landraces via a Combination of Conventional and Bioclimatic GWAS. Three geographic sub-populations among 2000 diverse landraces; 12 SNPs associated with variation in 3 bioclimatic variables at collecting sites.
- Estimates of genetic load in small populations suggest extensive purging of deleterious alleles. Counterintuitively, rapid declines cause worse genetic load for more diverse species.
- Grazing animals drove domestication of grain crops. Small-seeded herbaceous annuals were mainly animal-dispersed, which meant they grew in dense stands on nitrogen hotspots near water sources, making them easily harvested. Hey presto, crops!
- Global impacts of future cropland expansion and intensification on agricultural markets and biodiversity. Expansion mostly threatens biodiversity in Central and South America, intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa, India and China. Prices lower everywhere.
- Domestication and varietal diversification of Old World cultivated cottons (Gossypium sp.) in the Antiquity. G. arboreum first domesticated in Baluchistan 8000 years BP, G. herbaceum much later in Nubia. But they’re really difficult to tell apart in archaeological remains.
- ‘Preserve or perish’: food preservation practices in the early modern kitchen. The housewife as natural philosopher.
Nibbles: Ragone award, CC impacts, Uganda AGR genebank, Spanish livestock, Indian community genebank, COGENT in India, RTB and CC, Sudden oak death
- Diane Ragone is Distinguished Economic Botanist for 2020.
- Climate change is reducing consumable calories by about 1% a year for the top 10 crops globally.
- East Africa to get a livestock genebank. Will they use this “universal tool“?
- Meanwhile, transhumance is hanging on in Spain.
- Another community seed bank in India.
- And the international coconut genebank will survive.
- Roots, tubers and banana to increase in importance, but will need investment.
- Indigenous tribes to be involved in fight against sudden oak death in California.
Brainfood: Maya gardens, Bangladeshi jackfruits, Swedish plums, Pear core, Land sparing, Participatory trials, Cosmetics, Biodiversity & drought, Monitoring diseases, Predicting food insecurity, Kavaluation, Canola evolution, Temperate adaptation
- Learning from the Ancient Maya: Conservation of the Culture and Nature of the Maya Forest. Teaching forest gardening, before it’s too late.
- Genetic Diversity of Bangladeshi Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) over Time and Across Seedling Sources. Downward trend in time, but no difference between growers and nurseries.
- Plum Cultivars in Sweden: History and Conservation for Future Use. From 70 varieties in nurseries, to 45 in the genebank.
- Integration of expert knowledge in the definition of Swiss pear core collection. Let stakeholders choose a few, it won’t make too much of a difference to the overall diversity, and they’ll be pleased.
- Can agricultural intensification help to conserve biodiversity? A scenario study for the African continent. Land sparing is better for biodiversity and food production.
- Influence of experimental design on decentralized, on-farm evaluation of populations: a simulation study. Replicate populations of interest rather than controls, and environments.
- Botanicals used for cosmetic purposes by Xhosa women in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. 16 plants, 14 families, bark the most common component, skin complexion the most common use.
- Droughts, Biodiversity, and Rural Incomes in the Tropics. More access to natural biodiversity means smaller effect of drought during the growing season on income from crops.
- A global surveillance system for crop diseases. Could be extended to other threats to crop diversity?
- A data-driven approach improves food insecurity crisis prediction. Market data, rainfall, geography and demography predict food insecurity at village level in near real time.
- Rapid detection of stressed agricultural environments in Africa under climatic change 2000–2050 using agricultural resource indices and a hotspot mapping approach. Increasing trouble for Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and to a lesser extent Ethiopia. But will biodiversity, disease monitoring and food insecurity prediction help?
- Kavalactones and Flavokavins Profiles Contribute to Quality Assessment of Kava (Piper methysticum G. Forst.), the Traditional Beverage of the Pacific. High-throughput HPTLC will do the job.
- Transcriptome and organellar sequencing highlights the complex origin and diversification of allotetraploid Brassica napus. 6 genetic groups: Winter rapeseed in Europe and America, Rutabaga, Spring rapeseed, Siberian kale, Winter rapeseed in East Asia, and Winter rapeseed in Europe and South Asia. No evidence of multi-origin.
- Parallels between natural selection in the cold‐adapted crop‐wild relative Tripsacum dactyloides and artificial selection in temperate adapted maize. Artificial selection for temperate adaptation in maize involved the same genes as natural selection for temperate adaptation in Tripsacum.