Sourcing the seeds of restoration

Are you involved in the restoration of degraded land? If so, Bioversity International has a survey for you. It’s all because Sustainable Development Goal 15 “affirms the earlier commitments to restore 150 million hectares of degraded landscapes and forest lands by 2020 and at least another 200 million hectares by 2030.” But how to get hold of all the seeds that will be needed? Yeah, not so easy, is it…

Nibbles: Kiwi breeding, Nagoya Protocol, ITPGRFA, Hablitzia, Eating insects, Patents, European forests, Native American foodways, Plant protein, Broken bread, Apples, Dog cartoon, Climate change & yields, Seed pix

Nibbles: Beautiful downtown Burbank, Oz rice weed and nuts, Teff embargo, Kew Gardens, Cherokee seeds, Vegetables semantics, MLN progress, Fishy chart, Inuit fishy diet, Bioversity photo fix, African food security, ICIPE cashes in, Root & tuber congress, Smallholders, EU agroecology, Sackville Hamilton, Kiwifruit history, USDA pathogen collection

Nibbles: Drought maize, Forage Man, Coffee rescue, Herbarium workflow, Nutrient decline, Hybrid vines, Forest foods, Agrobiodiversity double, Bittman moves on

Brainfood: Olive oil composition, Storing rice, Fair Trade, Red List, Farmer seed systems, Dipterocarp genetic structure, Italian bread wheat, Nepal crop diversity, Rice origins