Brainfood: Grassland diversity, Potato diversity, English CWR, Genetic rescue, Saffron diversity, Lac, Cereal domestication, Turkish pea, Pathogen genomes, Rose fragrance, African cheese

Brainfood: Domestication stats, Apple vulnerability, Himalayan fermentation, Tree diversity, Grasslands double, Shiitake cultivation, Lablab core, Ethiopian sweet potato, Georgian grape

Nibbles: Monocultures redux, Seedless watermelons, Red kiwifruit, Herbaria problems, Forest foods, Sorghum beer, SIRGEALC, Chinese veggies, Organic tomatoes, Andean women, Rise origins, Fermentation

The messy world of trees

If you like orderly and efficient problem solving, the world of plant conservation is not for you.

As you can see, Sir Peter Crane is at his quotable best in his introduction to a Special Issue of Oryx on tree conservation.

Here’s another zinger:

Among the many memorable aphorisms of Roosevelt my favourite is ‘Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.’ This should be the rallying cry for all those interested in securing the future of trees.

Treat yourself to the whole thing. And to the other articles too.

Nibbles: Pope, CGIAR, Agroecology, ABS, Food shortage, World flora, Nutella, Bees, GMOs, CC & wheat, CC & legumes, EU satellite, Seed saving, Wheat breeding, Strawberry breeding, Adopt-a-crop, Organic tea, Malagasy yams, Seed app, Ebola seeds, Sorghum spoons

And we’re back! While we were away…