Brainfood: Racism, Writing, QMS, Andean ag, Root breeding, Apple microbiome, Manihot phylogeny, Mukodamashi millet

Nibbles: Presentations, Taro leaf blight, Agroforestry, Agroecology, Photosynthesis

  1. Two guides to making good presentations. For what it’s worth, here’s my take: fewer words.
  2. The latest on taro leaf blight in Samoa, from an Indigenous perspective. Not a presentation in sight.
  3. Agroforestry in the Solomon Islands involves 132 species. Probably including taro.
  4. The case for agroecology from the Global Alliance for the Future of Food. You could also see the above.
  5. Or, we could tweak photosynthesis.

Nibbles: Archaeobotany, Citrus genebank, Vitellaria, Potato genebank, Pignolo, IK, Atlas of Living Australia,

  1. Q&A with an archaeobotanist looking into the domestication history of maize and gourds.
  2. Q&A with the curators of the University of California, Riverside Citrus Variety Collection.
  3. Q&A on the shea tree genome.
  4. CIP’s potato cryobank. There’s probably a Q&A somewhere too.
  5. Snippets of a review of an interesting-sounding book about the almost-forgotten Pignolo grape.
  6. Snippets of the Indigenous ecological knowledge used by traditional agriculturalists in India.
  7. A more systematic approach to documenting and protecting Indigenous ecological knowledge from Australia.

Brainfood: IK, CWR, AnGR valuation double, Open cryo hardware, Seed pathogens, Perennial grains, Tropical forages, Tree breeding, Resurrection, Arabica origins, Fragaria, CIP sweetpotato