- Parasites of oil palm monocultures as avatars of hope and justice.
- 30 ways to leave your monoculture.
- French take on investing in natural capital. Hopefully not oil palm monocultures though.
Nibbles: Mustard, Sugar, Cassowary, Citrus, Beans
- Cologne has a mustard museum and I want to visit it.
- Lecture on the role of sugar in supporting slavery and capitalism. Where is the sugar museum?Ah here it is.
- The cassowary may have been domesticated in New Guinea ten thousand years ago (with sugarcane?). Deserves a museum.
- Speaking of domestication, here is how that of citrus happened. There’s actually a number of different citrus museums out there.
- Nice PhD opportunity Sweden studying beans in Rwanda. There are museums in both places, I’m pretty sure.
Nibbles: Cryo genebanks, In situ network, Biodiversity fund, Swiss grape, Coffee history, Wild plant use, Plant breeding impact
- Panel discussion on cryopreservation in genebanks on 25 June, save the date!
- Forget cryo, what about a network of European network for the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, in cultivation and in the wild? See who is interested. And express interest yourself.
- Germans launch Legacy Landscape Fund for biodiversity hotspots. European in situ PGR conservation network unavailable for comment. Let alone cryo genebanks.
- I wonder if that European on-farm conservation network will include the Completer grape, ideally in a monastery.
- Decolonizing coffee. Somebody want to write about religion and crops?
- Using wild plants in south and southeast Asia. Maybe they need a network too.
- Plant breeders say plant breeding is really important.
Nibbles: Social science, Berry call, Oz bank, Prior art
- 5 suggestions for scientists on social: see & be seen, select & specialize, serve, socialize, strategize.
- Open call to berry breeders.
- Another genebank for Australia makes a splash.
- How to avoid a repeat of the whole Enola bean story.
Nibbles: Breeding conference, Anthropology conference, Ecosystem services, Quality of life, Gates on CGIAR, Cost of diets
- The 10th Annual Cornell Plant Breeding Symposium is coming up in April.
- The Anthropology and Conservation Virtual Conference is coming up in October.
- How much is a farm worth, environmentally speaking? Plant breeders and anthropologists invited to reply.
- How much is nature worth to quality of life?
- How much is the research of CGIAR worth?
- How much does a healthy diet cost?
- The oldest beer factor? Priceless?