Opportunities for seedy people

Two related (sort of) opportunities for you today. First, if you’re a young agricultural economist with an interest in impact assessment, you may want to check out the Crop Trust-CGIAR “Genebank Impacts Fellowship Program.” And second, if you want to study how to tweak seed systems and thus increase those genebank impacts, have a look at the call for proposals from NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development, CGIAR and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform.

LATER: As you were, here’s a third one: a training course leading to certification in Seed System Security Assessment.

Nibbles: Wild wheat & rice genomes, Lost American crops, Bread Lab, Tea symposium, Burping cows, Australian botanist, Ecuadorian landrace pics, Red listing, Fermentation PhD, Cheese rind microbes, HRH reception

ITPGRFA Benefit-Sharing Fund sharing funds again

From an FAO press release:

The Call for Proposals under the fourth cycle of projects to be funded through the Benefit-sharing Fund of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is now open. All developing countries that are Contracting Parties to the International Treaty are eligible to apply for funding under the Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF), which will invest at least USD 5 million in projects over the next four years.

All the details are on the Treaty website. Good luck, everyone!

Nibbles: Sustainable wheat, Bananacoin, Tuscan agrobiodiversity, Fig conservation, Foraging beer, Wizard vs Prophet, SDGs, Harlan Symposium

Nibbles: Sequencing Davos, WPC 2018, German spuds, Martha’s Excellent Adventure, C4F video, Hawaiian varieties, Seed Book