Nibbles: Wonder Bread, Cassava sex, Languages and biodiversity, Wild Musa, Bronze Age musings, New Indian rice varieties, Improved breeds in Kenya, GMOs in China, Organic vision, Foreign food, Publicity, Nutrition advice & indicators, Ethiopian seed banks, Zimbabwe millet, Agroforestry, MSB legume collection, Demon paywalls, CIMMYT seed, Tempting apple

Nibbles: BBC series, Pacific breadfruit & yams, Sustainable diets, Cuba atlas, MSB standards, Biofortification on radio, German food scandals, Mexican foods, Non-PC food, CWR interviews, Old Irish sources, ITPGRFA funding, Crop Trust presentations, ISHS, Neural crest and domestication, Wheat genome

Wellesbourne set for the next 5 years

If there was ever any doubt about the future of the UK’s vegetables genebank at Wellesbourne, this should settle it:

Warwick Crop Centre at the University of Warwick has won a five year contract from Defra to continue to host the UK Vegetable Genebank at the University’s Wellesbourne Campus.

Good news, as far as it goes, but I have my doubts about the idea of such short-term contracts for genebanks. I mean, it’s certainly good practice to keep an institution on its toes with regular reviews of performance and the like, but what exactly is going to happen if Warwick Crop Centre does not win the contract again in 2019? Will the whole thing be moved to another locality, lock, stock and cold room? And on what basis will that future decision be made anyway? Are there some performance targets that the genebank will need to meet?

Nibbles: Genebanks list, Fish & trees, Indian seed fair, Junk food, Geographic indications, NZ & Canadian heirloom seeds