Nibbles: Cucurbits, Climate change cuisine, Passover pulses, Quinoa grant, Sago network

Cheap at half the price

…a cost benefit comparison based on the results of this study confirms that the benefits of the GGB, even with the conservative estimation adopted within the current framework, significantly exceeds the costs of its operation. Thus in terms of insurance values generated by the GGB, the flow of annual equivalent values were estimated to represent a minimum of 2.95 million euros whereas operating costs of the GGB currently correspond to less than 3 per cent of this amount on an annual basis. Hence the present study suggests that maintaining and further developing the GGB is an economically justified strategy.

The final report on the “Valuation of the Greek Genebank” (that would be the GBB) project is out. Actually, it may have been out for a while, but I’ve only just now found it. We have blogged about it before. We’ll blog about it again, no doubt, when we’ve digested the results, of which the above quote is the parting shot.

Nibbles: UK horticulture funding, AVRDC, Biofortification, SRI debate, Stressed bees, Nutrient decline, Beneficial viruses, DNA for dummies, Chaffey, Cow genebank, Organic network

  • For UK horticulturalists in need of cash. Wonder if that includes the rosemary collection.
  • I’m pretty sure it doesn’t include AVRDC.
  • Who would no doubt agree with Mark Lynas that “No-one disputes that a balanced and nutritionally-adequate diet is the best long-term solution to vitamin A deficiency and malnutrition in general.” And be as puzzled as the rest of us for the relative lack of funding for research on such a diet.
  • A discussion of why mainstream agricultural science hasn’t got the message across about SRI, courtesy of Facebook. Yeah well, the whole concept of basing interventions on, you know, evidence, is not exactly mainstream. Just ask the balanced and nutritionally-adequate diet guys.
  • Bees are stressed out, the poor things.
  • Creative Commons graphs on changes in vegetable nutrient content.
  • Not all plant viruses are bad.
  • Pat Heslop-Harrison talks DNA, with his usual extraordinary fluency, from 11 mins in.
  • Plant Cuttings! Everything from the botany of food to transcription factors for C4 photosynthesis.
  • Cow genebank proposed.
  • IFOAM gets a TIPI. Vandana Shiva no doubt ecstatic.

Nibbles: Gates & Slim, Aquino, Home genebank, Quinoa indigestion, Cornish pasties, Exotic vegetables, Funny cheeses, Leafsnap, Beekeeping

  • Bigshots visit CIMMYT, miss opportunity to mention genebank. No, wait
  • Bigshot visits IRRI, including genebank.
  • Yeah but who needs those anyway, you can make your own!
  • Now the French want their say on quinoa.
  • Speaking of the French, you think there is any horsemeat in Cornish pasties?
  • “I grew up with zucchini, but I prefer the flavor and texture of angled luffa.”
  • Gotta love the fact that there’s a thing called the Rogue Creamery.
  • Missed the fact that Leafsnap had been named one of the top 10 science apps of 2012.
  • Germans report on Italians helping Ethiopians. To keep bees. One suspects Ethiopians could teach Italians and Germans a thing or two about keeping bees, but that’s another story.

Nibbles: Banana extinction, Sacha inchi, PES for dairying, Millets, Fermentation, Breadfruit and coconut