Nibbles: Indian livestock, Borlaug book, iFOn, Brassica meet, Pat, Agave, Penguins

Nibbles: Whiskey, Project design, Australian genebanks, Gender, Books, FAO DG Q& A

Nibbles: Coffee cryo, Potato catalogue, Chickpea Revolution, Community seed bank, Livestock gifts, Mexican grinding, Agroforestry in Pakistan, CGIAR, Japanese mint

Nibbles: Push-pull award, MVP review, Thoroughbred breeding, Rice info, Aquaculture Clinic

  • Push-pull pulls in prize.
  • Which is more than can be said for the Millennium Villages Project. I wish someone would occupy them.
  • You can have too much good breeding. If you’re a horse.
  • Nice aerial pics of rice cultivation. And a sort of information service on that cereal called Rice 2.0, which unaccountably lacks an RSS feed.
  • WorldFish invites entrepreneurs to get together and discuss investing in aquaculture. Here’s hoping diversity won’t be left in the dust.