Nibbles: Nutrition, Famine, Incentives, Pests & Diseases, Employment, Genebank support, Commercialisation, Hay & Straw, Nitrogen fixing

Nibbles: AnGR, Sustainable diets, MDG, Plantwise, Maize in Africa, Lead farmers, Micro-livestock (again), Cows and climate change

Contribute to video on culture of breadfruit in Hawaii

Your contribution to our Kickstarter campaign will help us to edit and distribute a web-series of video interviews with Hawaiian cultural experts on the culture and history of breadfruit and what breadfruit means for the future of Hawai‘i.

25 days and $3,660 to go. Please give generously! 22 people already have. And isn’t Kickstarter a great idea?

Nibbles: AnGR, Fruit trees, IBC18, Tree pollination, Solomon Islands and climate change, Octopus diversity, Seed saving