Nibbles: AnGR, Sustainable diets, MDG, Plantwise, Maize in Africa, Lead farmers, Micro-livestock (again), Cows and climate change

Contribute to video on culture of breadfruit in Hawaii

Your contribution to our Kickstarter campaign will help us to edit and distribute a web-series of video interviews with Hawaiian cultural experts on the culture and history of breadfruit and what breadfruit means for the future of Hawai‘i.

25 days and $3,660 to go. Please give generously! 22 people already have. And isn’t Kickstarter a great idea?

Nibbles: AnGR, Fruit trees, IBC18, Tree pollination, Solomon Islands and climate change, Octopus diversity, Seed saving

An apple a decade

So word has it that the Convention on Biological Diversity people will be handing out apples (or models of apples) with the logo of the Decade of Biodiversity on them during the 66th session of the UN General Assembly in New York City this September. Including to President Obama. The only photograph I’ve been able to find of these fruits comes from Nagoya last year, but they don’t look like heirloom varieties to me. An opportunity missed?