An apple a decade

So word has it that the Convention on Biological Diversity people will be handing out apples (or models of apples) with the logo of the Decade of Biodiversity on them during the 66th session of the UN General Assembly in New York City this September. Including to President Obama. The only photograph I’ve been able to find of these fruits comes from Nagoya last year, but they don’t look like heirloom varieties to me. An opportunity missed?

Educate girls, plant a school garden, promote biodiversity

What’s not to like?


This post is simply an abuse of authorial rights to promote a project. I just received the second project report from Educate 1300 Girls By Restoring A Marrakech Garden, which I am supporting via Global Giving. Why that project? Because it is relevant to me in all sorts of ways. Maybe to you too; they still need to raise about $15,000.

During the past academic year, thirty students conducted their own field research by interviewing Marrakechi herbalists about important cultural recipes. [The Global Diversity Foundation] is now organizing a database of the girls’ findings, titled, “An Ethnobotanical Study of Five Traditional Women’s Recipes.” In the autumn of this year, the girls will be able to re-examine, analyze, and discuss their own data. We hope that this will be the first of many such educational initiatives at Lalla Aouda Saadia.

I look forward to the next report, which I hope will tell me more about those traditional recipes, and to the garden’s continued growth.

Nibbles: Beautiful models, Beautiful bank, Organic FAO, Eskimo diet, Indian medicinals, Maya nut studentship, Fishy infographics

Move over Bill Gates

We’ve blogged a few times about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), and I don’t really want to do so again at any length now. Suffice to say that the jury is still out on whether it works as advertised. The reason I bring it up at all is that I’ve just found out from CTA via their Facebook page that there’s a new SRI manual out, which on further investigation led me to the mother lode of SRI manuals, which turns out to be part-supported by the Better U Foundation. Yeah, I never heard of it either. But it clearly has a great interest in SRI, not to mention an inventive web designer. The philanthropist behind it? Jim Carrey. Yeah, that Jim Carrey. That’s a pitch I’d have liked to witness.