Small farmers are the answer

This may not be quite what Bill Gates had in mind when he announced that he was crowdsourcing ideas for a speech he has to give on 24 May.


But the competition is real enough. So hop on over to the BMGF blog, read all about it, and share your ideas with the brightest and the best. And us, if you’re so minded. And if the terms allow.

Nibbles: SEARICE, R&D, Sustainable intensification, Biofortification, Chillies, Safe movement, Mangoes, Weeds, Berries, Blueberries, Cerrado

Nibbles: Gardening, Seed Swap, Mapping, Animal Genebank, Rice, Seed Treay, Nanocellulose, Camels, Bread, food Security

The way things were

Mr El-Sayed Mohamed El-Azazi, Executive Director of the Egyptian Deserts Gene Bank, has posted a comment to one of our previous posts about the looting of his genebank. It includes a link the following presentation on what the place looked like before the fateful day. The call has gone out for help replacing lost equipment. One can only hope it will be heeded.

Nibbles: Policy, Nutrition, Education, Svalbard, Plagues