- How to farm for greenhouse gas credits. There’s an online calculator (for the US)!
- Bioversity calls for applicants for the Vavilov-Frankel Fellowships 2011.
Fund something different
Every day Nourishing the Planet, a blog at the Worldwatch Institute, will publish three answers to the question Where Would You Like to See More Agricultural Funding Directed? You can email a response, or tweet it, but I’ll just say something here.
For me, the biggest single problem about current mainstream agricultural funding for development is that it is all chasing the same unimaginative goals. Adding another USD$300 million a year to the pot is a wonderful thing, but it is like more water pouring down a gully. It deepens the channel but makes it even more difficult to jump out of that channel and find another path. Given how little is currently spent on the more effective use of agricultural biodiversity, I reckon just a tenth of that, say USD30 million, would make a huge difference to the ability of people to enjoy a food secure future. Throw in another USD30 million for extension services, and I reckon you could really see some impact. Don’t get me wrong; things like infrastructure are important too. But in the end, lots of people are doing that. Let’s see a little money devoted to trying something different.
What do you think? If you send a suggestion to Nourishing the Planet, why not copy it here too?
Nibbles: More khat, Rice
- The Leaf of Allah.
- Japan invests US$6 million in rice research in Uganda.
Nibbles: CGIAR “change”, Cuba, Data, Pavlovsk, Homegardens, Soil bacteria, Thai rice
- GFAR publishes list of Megaprogramme (or whatever they are called) consultations.
- Cuba’s Miscellaneous Crops Under-delegate Rolando Macias Cardenas reports on tomato paste. In other news, Cuba has a Miscellaneous Crops Under-delegate. No, wait, that’s not really news.
- While Sachs et al. moan about better agricultural data, CIAT go out and get it.
- The Pavlovsk TweetMedvedev campaign rolls on.
- “…maximum diversity can be conserved at an intermediate level of income” in Javanese bamboo-tree homegardens.
- Right, so trees “farm” bacteria. What some people will write in a press release.
- Thailand’s rice farmers trying to cope with climate change. Like they have a choice.
Nibbles: Grain ID, Garlic ID, Funding, Pest control, Sorghum, Grains, Cowpeas
- How to identify small grains.
- Can you identify a garlic?
- “You can’t expect a starving person to save a tree.” I s’pose not. But is that any reason to endow a chair in conflict resolution and development?
- “A farmer needs to let the garden get wild in order to protect it from the wild.” Course she does.
- Sorghum a huge success in Kitui, Kenya.
- Field trip to a grower of old grain varieties.
- New cowpea varieties selling like hotcakes, FARA told. And the old cowpeas?