Nibbles: FIGS, Wassailing, Rice breeding, Mobile apps, GI, Coffee, Art, Symposium

Contacting Trevor Williams

We have received a request from Roger Croston to post the following on the blog, and are happy to do so. Trevor Williams was the first director of the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (now Bioversity International), and another significant figure in the early days of the PGR conservation movement.

After searching for many years I am now back in contact with Trevor
Williams — best known to many as “JT”.

He is now back in England at his Stockport address for those who have
it. I would also be more than happy to forward messages to him on
anyone’s behalf. Please give me your postal address and ‘phone numbers
so that he can reply. JT is currently not on email. He is most keen to
hear from friends and colleagues. (He had been in intensive care in
hospital with breathing difficulties but he is now home and is gradually
improving, I am pleased to say).

Email: rogerc “at” croston-engineering “dot” co “dot” uk

Erna Bennett papers

8 September 1971: Erna Bennett receives the Meyer Medal from Ralph Phillips, watched by FAO DG A.H. Boersma.

Thanks to Helmut Knüpffer of IPK Gatersleben, for his comment pointing to two important papers relating to Erna Bennett.

  • Erna Bennett: Her Career and Convictions and An Interview with Erna Bennett by IS Cunningham provides an insight into some aspects of her personality and drive. (Diversity 5(2 & 3), 60-63, 1989. As with the Ceres article reprinted by The Ecologist, if you do download and skim through the whole issue, you might, like me, wonder what on Earth we’ve all been doing for the past 40 years.)
  • Award of Meyer Memorial Medal to Erna Bennett of FAO, including Presentation by Dr. Ralph W. Phillips, Miss Erna Bennett’s Acceptance, and Statement by Dr. A. H. Boerma. 1971. (J. Heredity 62(5), 277-279. That one’s behind a paywall, although I reckon snagging the photo above constitutes fair use.)

Helmut also wrote: “I just went to the Mansfeld Library. There are 2292 reprints in the “Reprint Collection Erna Bennett” sorted alphabetically by author and then numbered 1-2292.” Good to know.

And a couple of other links. Grain, the NGO, published its own tribute. Grain’s archives contain a piercing essay from Erna on The Summit-to-Summit Merry-go-Round, which should be on the reading list of everyone with an interest in agricultural biodiversity and the context surrounding its conservation and use.

Nibbles: Beetle diets, Seed hunters, NUS, Food security, Indian malnutrition, Craft Irish beer, Nordic livestock, Prosecco DOC, Artemisia, CGIAR

Nibbles: Whiskey, Project design, Australian genebanks, Gender, Books, FAO DG Q& A