Nibbles: Tomatoes, African rice, Entebbe, Coconuts, Wild relatives, Economic botany

Nibbles: Sake, Wine, Kew, Climate change, Canada, Banana processing

Nibbles: Intensification, Turnips, Colourful breeding, Development, CGIAR Research Programs, C4 ALV, IRRI,

5th European Seminar on AgroBiodiversity

Thanks to the excellent DAD-Net ((Not this, this.)) comes news of the 5th European Seminar on AgroBiodiversity: “Preservation or Adaptation? – Conservation in the face of a changing environment.” It’s to be held 25 September 2011 in Dimitrovgrad, Serbia (that’s near the Bulgarian border), as part of the annual meeting of the SAVE Foundation and the European SAVE Network. Sounds like great fun, especially the “Regional Fair of Balkan AgroBiodiversity.” Anyone going?

The CGIAR’s impact spelled out

The collaborative work of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has resulted in development impacts on a scale that is without parallel in the international community.

And there are 40 of them, more than half in crop improvement, half a dozen in natural resources management, a few in the policy arena. Anyone out there disagree? Anything left out? Anyone think some of “impacts” included are not so great after all? Let us know.

Let me start the ball rolling. I happen to think that putting together and maintaining the international germplasm collections, and placing them under the aegis of the International Treaty, is a significant technical and policy achievement in its own right. After all, they underpinned all that crop improvement. Maybe that doesn’t count as an “impact.” But perhaps it should.