Is the future of genebanks the sort of trait or adaptation specialization exemplified by the International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture in the UAE? Makes more sense than having national genebanks, doesn’t it?
Nibbles: Amman, Banana disease, Survey, Qatar, Wetlands
- MSM on Amman meeting; eat Luigi’s dust.
- Black sigatoka disease confirmed on St Lucia; eats banana plantations.
- “Eggs come from sheep” kids survey surprise shock; eat anything.
- Qatar builds a genebank.
- On World Wetlands Day, Lake Chad protected and British farmland flooded. Will some crop wild relatives benefit?
It’s easy to follow Vavilov
Have we mentioned that the great NI Vavilov has started to tweet?
Nibbles: Amman again, DNA hype, Blight-resistant spuds, Seeds, Sorghum, Brassicas, UK Food Security
- Crop Genebank’s Knowledge Base enjoys an outing in Amman.
- Great Headlines of our Time: Researchers fight world hunger by mapping the soybean genome.
- Blight-resistant potatoes from Hungary to the UK.
- Danish Seed Savers 2010 list available.
- “We want to make sorghum to be even better than maize,” says Kenyan gene jockey. Why?
- “The dog is the brassica of the vertebrate world.” Jeremy says: “Never met one I didn’t like … cooked right.”
- James sprouts off on brassicas too.
- New UK approach to food security: apples.
Day 1 at the Amman drylands conference draws to a close
The afternoon plenary (see here for the morning) consisted of talks by Drs Adel El Beltagy (GFAR) and Mark Rosegrant (IFPRI). Again, here’s what struck me particularly out of the many interesting things they said.