Bill Gates on genebanks and their databases

From Bill Gates’ annual letter on the work of his foundation:

There are three things that modern agrotechnology brings to this seed improvement process. The first is simply the ability to gather plant samples from all over the world and use databases to keep track of thousands of plants grown under different conditions.

The second is sequencing and the third is transgenics, in case you were wondering. One of these days, I’d like to take Mr Gates down into Genebank Database Hell. But hey, we’re working on it. And the Foundation is helping.

How old is that lentil?

You may remember yesterday’s nibble about the allegedly 4,000-year-old lentil from an archaeological site in Turkey which actually germinated. Intrigued, I ran the news item by some colleagues at Kew. They pointed me to a New Scientist article from a few years back which describes their attempt to verify a previous alleged example of very old seed (from the sarcophagus of an Egyptian mummy, in fact) germinating. The thing is, you can predict pretty well how seed will behave over time if you know the temperature and relative humidity of the conditions. You just plug those numbers into a fairly well known and understood equation.

Dickie found that if he started with top-quality seed and the temperature remained constant at 16 °C, one grain in a thousand might still germinate after 236 years. With the temperature sometimes hitting the high 20s, the grain would all be dead in 89 years. And if the seed was less than perfect to begin with…

So let’s just say I’ll be personally needing some fairly solid evidence for the age of that lentil.

Nibbles: Tomatoes, Fattipuffs, Thinifers, Rice, Policy, IFAP, Small oats, Yams, Drought insurance, Siberian nomads, Cereal miscegenation, Fiji breadfruit, Introgression, Mudchute, Gordon Edgar, Coconuts, Eels, Cat worship, Biofuel breeding, Perennials

Helping Haiti

Difficult to say anything new about what’s going on in Haiti. It is all sad beyond belief. WWF is rightly encouraging people to give. Seconded. UNEP has announced an environmental recovery effort. There’s no shortage of advice on what must be done. FAO is trying to raise money to support food production in fields and homegardens. The planting season starts in March, so time is short. Meanwhile, CABI’s blog looked at the underlying food security problems.

I haven’t come across any information on what’s happened to the Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Agricole (MARNDR), but I don’t hold out much hope. It housed the national germplasm collection of 513 beans and 54 maize accessions. SINGER lists 233 accessions from Haiti, almost all rice (48), beans (113) and maize (67). GRIN lists 111 (almost all rice, maize, cotton, beans). ((Thanks to Colin for descending into Genebank Database Hell.)) At first sight it seems that maybe most of the stuff that is in MARNDR should be findable elsewhere, though that’s quite a lot of beans.

LATER: IFPRI DG has his say too.