Genotyping Support Service

The CGIAR’s Generation Challenge Programme‘s mission is

To use advanced genomics science and plant genetic diversity to overcome complex agricultural bottlenecks that condemn millions of the world’s neediest people to a future of poverty and hunger

They’ve just announced a new service: the Genotyping Support Service. What will GSS do?

Here’s a sample of what our latest service offers: assessing proposals, hiring genotyping services from the best providers, taking care of the administrative hassles, ensuring the generation of high-quality data and training participating researchers to interpret and work with the data to optimise outputs. In this way, researchers get to use the technology right away, while also learning how to get the greatest mileage out of the technology, thus creating local capacity. As such, GSS contributes to GCP’s effort to support and motivate plant breeding ‘champions’ in developing regions.

Seed sleuth

There’s a glowing portrait of Ken Street, a plant hunter, in the Sydney Morning Herald. Street works with ICARDA, the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, based in Aleppo, Syria and spends much his time in the wilds of central Asia, searching out crop diversity. The piece is a bit gushy for my taste, and I’m not sure I agree with everything Street is quoted as saying. “We have been eating genetically modified organisms for 10,000 years” turns the phrase “genetically modified organisms” into meaningless guff. But he does make some good points about the amount of diversity that survives — for now — in places like Armenia and Tajikistan. If you want a glimpse into the life of a man they call “an agricultural Indiana Jones,” that’s what you’ll get.

Luigi unavailable for comment.

Watermelon: Out of Africa

Summer here in Rome tastes of watermelon. So, as the temperature outside hit the upper 30s today, it was great to sit in air-conditioned splendour in the office this lunchtime, eat a slice of cocomero and read a paper on the origin of the crop in the latest GRACE, which has just come out. Fenny Dane and Jiarong Liu at Auburn have looked in detail at chloroplast DNA from material collected all over Africa in an effort to reconstruct the history of both the familiar fruit (Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus) and the related tsanna or citron melon, which is a different botanical variety (var. citroides) of the same species. It turns out that the split of var. lanatus and var. citroides from a common ancestor (C. ecirrhosus, maybe) is ancient. The citron melon split off independently in the area of Swaziland and South Africa, while the wild precursor of the cultivated watermelon has its roots, as it were, on the other side of the continent, in Namibia. The picture below (courtesy of GBIF) shows why watermelon does ok in the Italian summer heat. Its natural habitat is pretty much desert (the record is for an accession in the US National Plant Germplasm System).


More on cowpea breeding

Hot on the heels of a recent nibble on breeding cowpeas for Striga resistance comes a paper in GRACE on the diversity being exploited by cowpea breeding programmes in the US and Africa. It turns out that these programmes are using non-overlapping sets of genetic material and that therefore

US and Asian breeding programs could increase genetic variability in their programs substantially by incorporating germplasm from West Africa, while national programs in West Africa should consider introgression of Asian germplasm and germplasm from other parts of Africa into their programs to ensure long-term gains from selection.

That’s what we mean when we talk about global interdependence in plant genetic resources, I guess. And that’s why the International Treaty was negotiated: to facilitate the exchanges of germplasm necessary to broaden plant breeding programmes worldwide.

Uncultivated biodiversity

A few of us have been known to anguish over the term neglected and underutilized species, for a couple of reasons. First off, why use underutilized when underused will do? More importantly, though, it invites a couple of questions. Neglected by whom? Underused by whom? Neglected by science and research, usually, and underused by people who could make more use of them. But still, it’s an unsatisfactory phrase, because as soon as researchers have become interested and people have started making more use of it, the species in question is neither neglected nor underused. “Orphan crops” is lame. Nothing else quite captures it. All of which is somewhat by the by.

Except that I’ve just come across the phrase “uncultivated biodiversity” in a book recently published by the International Research Development Centre in Canada. Food Sovereignty and Uncultivated Biodiversity in South Asia: Essays on the Poverty of Food Policy and the Wealth of the Social Landscape promises to be a fascinating read.

Based on extensive field research in India and Bangladesh, with and by farming communities, the book offers both people-based and evidence-based perspectives on the value of ecological farming, the survival strategies of the very poor, and the ongoing contribution of biodiversity to livelihoods. It also introduces new concepts such as “the social landscape” and “the ethical relations underlying production systems” relevant to key debates concerning the cultural politics of food sovereignty, land tenure, and the economics of food systems. The authors are leading activists and accomplished researchers with a long history of engagement with farming communities and the peasant world in South Asia and elsewhere.

The whole book is available for download, but I might just have to spring for a printed copy because it comes with a DVD of farmer-made films that I’d love to see. Come to think of it, if anyone at IDRC is reading this, why not enter them in our competition?

Of course, “uncultivated biodiversity” doesn’t solve the problem of what to call those pesky species that are cultivated and used by people but remain neglected and underutilized by researchers. Suggestions?