- The Real Olive Oil Story. Via.
- Soil Atlas of Europe. Only images, though, it looks like. Via.
- South Carolina farmers embrace heirloom crops.
Nibbles: Sunflowers, Cherries, Red jungle fowl, Sheep, Russia, Kenya, GFU on NUS
- USDA boffins tour Aussie garbage dumps.
- Today’s “Save the British X” (where X=a fruit of your choice) story comes to you from The Times.
- And today’s multiple independent domestications story comes from India.
- And today’s how to boost urban biodiversity? From Brighton, UK.
- Mapping Russian crops and their pests.
- Kenyan government messing with prices to clear wheat market, boost neglected species.
- Our friends at the Global Facilitation Unit (for Neglected and Underutilised Species) have published a book.
The miombo woodlands on Google Earth
A video on capturing, sharing and interacting with spatial information on the miombo woodlands of Malawi. Via.
Nibbles: Statement, Words, Training, Policy, Auberato, Coconut, GIS, Pacific nutrition, Honey
- Convention on Biological Diversity’s head “Highlights Risks of Agricultural Biodiversity Loss.”
- Cowpooling. Guess what it means.
- Training opportunity: A global view of livestock biodiversity and conservation.
- FAO policy brief on sustainable development and agrobiodiversity. Thanks, Eve.
- The wonders of solanaceous grafting. Thanks, Jules.
- Build a better nutcracker. And then analyze all that data.
- Mapping cyclone damage to crops in Myanmar.
- Quantifying Micronesian diets. Thanks, Lois.
- Things picking up for US bees? Meanwhile, in China, they’re trying breeding.
Nibbles: Chocolate, Africa cubed, Green wall
- “I think that in 20 years chocolate will be like caviar.”
- “Why should Africa be the only region in the world that is begging for food?” Hans Herren stiffs it to Jeffrey Sachs.
- Mapping, and then protecting, places where wildlife and pastoralists can survive climate change together.
- Jessica hearts Moringa. ((How do I get a picture of a heart here?))
- Green Wall of Trees to halt Sahara. Will any of them also be directly useful?