Nibbles: Mango diversity, Feral hogs, OFSP, Synthetic kava, Linen, Posters, Pigeonpea pre-breeding, Breeding, Ancient yeast, European seeds

Rapid calculation of threat status online

Do you need to get a quick idea of the threat status of a species in the wild? Well, there’s now an online tool that does it for you in a jiffy: Rapid Least Concern. You just type in a species name or import a batch of names, and the thing goes off to GBIF and returns with a bunch of records which it then uses to calculate 4 different indicators, including Area of Occupancy (AOO) and Extent of Occurrence (EOO). It also gives you a map. Here’s the result for Solanum cajamarquense, a wild potato relative. Looks like it could be in trouble…

Nibbles: Crop map, Breeding, CePaCT, African coconut, Cacao & vanilla, Malaysian fruits, Basmati, Rice saving, Grapevine diversity, Wild foods, Cornell hemp genebank, Potato breeding course, Chinese aquaculture, Chinese trees, Plant identification, Menu language, Shepherding, US forests, Global fires, Red Listing, MERL, Pea gin

Brainfood: Food system, Ethiopian durum, Enset, Legume seeds, Salinity, Ryegrass genomics, Weeping lovegrass genomics, Pest occurrences, Golden Rice, Cattle origins, Pollinator & diversity, Production shocks, Production & diversity