Nibbles: Natural history collections, Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree, Conserving local crops, Biofuels, Quinoa, Climate change

  • Why don’t genebanks count as natural history collections?
  • Saving The Old Apple Tree. That would be as opposed to any old apple tree.
  • “If the indigenous seeds are important enough for scientists to fight to preserve in a seed vault deep in the belly of a mountain in Norway, would it not make sense to ensure these seeds survive within their own environments?” Good question from Uganda.
  • Council on Bioethics says “Biofuel policies are unethical”. Here’s the Press Release.
  • Local women’s quinoa cookbook (in Spanish) wins prize (in France). We’re calling it quinoa, not quinua, because we want people to find us.
  • CARE cares about climate change and food security.

Brainfood: Brazil nut, Cassava relatives, Botanic gardens, Pollinators, OECD, IPM, Community genetics, Insect resistance, Marco Polo sheep, Abiotic stresses, Better climate change modelling

Nibbles: Barley genetics, CCAFS, VIR, Gardens of Adonis, Traditional Knowledge, Safety duplication, Wild pig,

Behold, the coconut!

Myths and legends surrounding the origins of food are, not surprisingly, very common. Here’s a new one on me: according to one story, deftly told by Roland Bourdeix on one of his blogs, the island of Niue — the Rock of Polynesia — owes its name to two very special varieties of coconut. But don’t take my word for it; read Roland’s post.

Are there other places named specifically for foods? And is there some central repository of myths and legends that involve agriculture and food? I don’t know of one.

Nibbles: Quinoa, Domestication, Wine, Ants & termites, Pavlovsk