Dundee was Juteopolis? Who knew.
Nibbles: Seed Hunter, Seed catalogs, Trees
- Seed Hunter “undaunted.” So that’s all right then.
- Smithsonian puts old seed catalogs online. Very cool.
- By all means plant trees, especially on farms, but a plantation is not a rainforest.
Nibbles: Tree planting, Farm photos, Dandelion rubber, Ash trees, Qatar garden, Cairo cull
- India tree planter tells BBC his story. But what species?
- Photoessay on Irish farm, begorrah!
- The next rubber boom?
- A “modern-day Johnny Appleseed for ash trees.”
- Qur’anic Botanical Garden established in Qatar.
- Egyptians regret pig cull.
Nibbles: Museums
- Natural history collections important in monitoring biodiversity and engaging public interest. Well I never.
Nibbles: Indian potatoes, IUCN report, Climate change and disease
- The history of the potato at Shimla.
- Lots of Mediterranean mammals in trouble, including wild relatives of domesticated species.
- SciDev rounds up the science on climate change and diseases. Human diseases, that is, but much also applies to those of crops and livestock.