Nibbles: Natural history collections, Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree, Conserving local crops, Biofuels, Quinoa, Climate change

  • Why don’t genebanks count as natural history collections?
  • Saving The Old Apple Tree. That would be as opposed to any old apple tree.
  • “If the indigenous seeds are important enough for scientists to fight to preserve in a seed vault deep in the belly of a mountain in Norway, would it not make sense to ensure these seeds survive within their own environments?” Good question from Uganda.
  • Council on Bioethics says “Biofuel policies are unethical”. Here’s the Press Release.
  • Local women’s quinoa cookbook (in Spanish) wins prize (in France). We’re calling it quinoa, not quinua, because we want people to find us.
  • CARE cares about climate change and food security.

Nibbles: Lupine, Methane, Food crisis, Nutritionists, Carrots, Poi, Barhal, Mung bean, Invasives, European bison, Mango

Satoyama in peril?

It may not be the thing that’s at the top of people’s agendas in Japan at the moment, but one does wonder what the long-term effect of the tsunami will be on the satoyama of the region, their agrobiodiversity and the people who maintain it. ((That’s if this agroecosystem occurs in the region. Is there a map of its distribution?)) The BBC series on the satoyama from a few years back is no longer available on the BBC’s website, but some of the documentaries can be found elsewhere. ((I got the photo from Flickr, thanks to the New York Public Library.))

Nibbles: Mapping species, Paddies, Duplicates in genebanks, Chinese mystery millet, Cherimoya, ITPGRFA, AnGR lectures, Bulgur, Heirloom apples