Mendel’s Garden No. 27: Genes, but not as we know them

Mendel.jpg Happy Befana from a freezing Rome. Got myself in a bit of a tizz with all this Blog Carnivalia stuff. I thought I was hosting Mendel’s Garden here, but it seems I agreed to do it at The Other Place instead. Not sure why, especially after my recent idleness there. So I decided to cross-post here, just in case readers are aching for a slab of hard science.

Quintessence of Dust examines one of the challenges to evolutionary theory, that large populations will adapt more rapidly because they contain a greater range of beneficial mutations lying in wait, as it were, for conditions to change. Only, it ain’t so. Steve Matheson explains new investigations of clonal interference and the difference it makes to estimates of mutation rates and speed of adaptation. Also, it touches on sex.

There’s a new kid on the block too. Ian Dworkin has just launched Genes Gone Wild, which he says will distinguish between “Gene X for Disease Y” — as seen on the news — and “a variant of gene X influences disease Y”. Yes, Ian says, “things are sadly more complicated than we might like”. Good luck with your mission Ian.

As I contemplate a “procedure” (ghastly euphemism) myself, I’m attracted to Sandra’s post Personalized Medicine is on the way (but not quick enough) over at Discovering Biology in a Digital World. Genetic screening can offer all sorts of useful and valuable information, but only if the patient and the doctor know how to make use of the results. Sandra’s point is that things are moving so quickly that we’re all in danger of being left behind — and if you want a reason to catch up, perhaps a lawsuit would focus your attention.

A little technical argie-bargie is getting aired over at Evolgen, where RPM asks, only somewhat rhetorically, Do people still use microarrays? They do, but there are other techniques they could be using, and perhaps getting better answers. Having laboured mightily, long ago, to understand both Sanger and Maxam-Gilbert, and more recently to get to grips with Solexa, I’ll just say, There’ll always be a better tool just around the corner.

And now, if I may be permitted, allow me to introduce all super-duper, shining, modern, sequence-reading geneticists to a woman who is, I swear, the living incarnation of Mendel’s Garden. Rebsie Fairholm is following in The Monk’s footsteps with a pea breeding project that is, to me at any rate, the most fascinating thing on the web at the moment. Her latest post on the subject is Welcome home, little peas, but every single one of the posts in her pea-breeding project is worth reading.


Rebsie’s explanations and photographs will bring Mendel’s Garden to life for you, your loved ones, your students, and indeed the entire curious world. Speaking of which, I don’t seem to recall Larry Moran’s post Identity of the Product of Mendel’s Green Cotyledon Gene (Update) getting any exposure, so I will further abuse my privileged position by linking to it now.

And if you’ve made it this far, you’ll be waiting for me to blow our own trumpet. So here goes: The hype goes on, and El Hombre de la Papa, a video of Carlos Ochoa, who died last month. Two very different takes on the application of Mendelian genetics to feeding people.

Next host for Mendel’s Garden is Steve Matheson hisself, at Quintessence of Dust. Submit posts to Steve or via the Blog Carnival page. You could also volunteer to host..

Nibbles: Journal, Biofuel source, Old seeds, Bees, Aquaculture, Millennium Seed Bank, Pests, Earthworms, Jellyfish, Cuba, Japan, Kerala, Queensland, Goats, Cacao, Savanna, Global maps, Nepal

The hype goes on

“More food at lower cost.”

Now there’s a headline packed with potential. Alas, that’s all it has at the moment, potential. Not to denigrate the science of Angharad R. Jones — known to his pals as Harry — and colleagues at the University of Bristol. ((The full paper is in Nature Cell Biology.)) They’ve done some nifty research into what makes plant root hairs grow. It’s a complex study involving a computer model of where the plant hormone ought to be, and the bottom line seems to be that it isn’t where the researchers thought it would be.

Great. A deeper understanding of the development of root hairs is important. Root hairs, after all, are the basis of the plant’s uptake of minerals and water. But the press release goes well beyond that:

This new understanding will be crucial in helping farmers to produce food sustainably and to reduce fertiliser waste, which can cause severe damage to ecosystems.

I’ve written the odd press release myself, and I know how hard it can be to interest reporters in the small individual bricks that make up the building that is scientific understanding. But this kind of reporting is, I fear, going to lead inevitably to overinflated expectations and crushing disappointment.

If anyone notices.

Ex situ conservation of endangered plants of the US

An interesting post on the Denver Botanic Garden’s blog led me to the Center for Plant Conservation‘s ((Hosted by the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, Missouri.)) database of the National Collection of Endangered Plants of the US, which I’m ashamed to say I knew nothing about. It is interesting to us here because it includes crop wild relatives like Helianthus species. There’s also lots of information on how to fight invasives, which has been the subject of some discussion here in the past few days.

Carlos Ochoa

Carlos Ochoa — legendary potato breeder, explorer and scholar — has passed away at an age of 79 in Lima, Peru.

Born in Cusco, Peru, Ochoa received degrees from the Universidad San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia and from the University of Minnesota, USA. For a long time Ochoa worked as a potato breeder. He combined Peruvian with European and American potatoes to produce new cultivars that are grown throughout Peru.

Ochoa was professor emeritus of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru. In 1971, he joined the International Potato Center, where he worked on the systematics of Andean cultivated and wild potatoes. His long list of publications on this topic include hefty monographs on the potatoes of Bolivia and on the wild potatoes of Peru.

His last major published work (2006) is a book on the ethnobotany of Peru, co-authored with Donald Ugent.

Ochoa was a wild potato explorer par excellence. One third of the nearly 200 wild potato species were first described by him.

Carlos Ochoa received many international accolades, including Distinguished Economic Botanist, the William Brown award for Plant Genetic Resources, and, together with long time collaborator Alberto Salas, the Order of Merit of the Diplomatic Service of Peru.

Here is Ochoa’s own story about some of his early work, including his search for Chilean potatoes described by Darwin and his thoughts on potato varieties: “[they] are like children: you name them, and in turn, they give you a great deal of satisfaction”.

¡Muchas gracias, professor!