Lost pepper found

Via Buddhism Adjunkt, who is back after a little absence, a link to an article on The Lost Pepper of Cambodia, by Phil Lees. Unfortunately the article, in Chile Pepper magazine, won’t be available online for at least six months. So all I can do is quote from Phil’s tantalizing blog entry:

What does the visit of Chinese emissary Zhou Daguan to Angkor Wat in 1297, Khmer Rouge kidnappings and the recent landgrabbing of Okhna Ly Yong Phat in rural Sre Ambel, Cambodia have in common?

Cambodian pepper: which is how I tenuously link them all together in this month’s Chile Pepper magazine (US).

That, and hope I remember to check Chile Pepper when the six months are up. Or maybe someone else can enlighten us?

Berry Go Round goes around

If you’ve wandered over from Seeds Aside and the first Berry Go Round carnival, you’re most welcome here at the Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog. Come back again soon, and often, for all your agrobiodiversity needs. If you’re a regular here, don’t forget to head on over to Seeds Aside for an entertaining round-up of botanical lore ranging from mosses to palms to, ahem, maize.

Tangled Bank #97

The latest harvest of biological blogging is up at The Inoculated Mind, and a jolly good read it is too. The actual post, not the posts it points to, if you see what I mean. No time to read them right now, but I think I may have spotted a couple of things of interest. Did you?