US agricultural assistance to the vulnerable

The US Bureau of International Information Programs has been producing “a series of articles on U.S. food aid and agricultural assistance for vulnerable populations around the world.” The fifth is just out, and this is how it starts:

Scientists from the United States and other nations want to create another “green revolution,” particularly in Africa, that would help poor countries better meet their own food needs and the demands of export markets.

Within governmental, university and private-sector partnerships, researchers are working on new agricultural technologies that can help poor countries end food scarcity and malnutrition.

The article then goes on to list various examples of US scientists working with national agricultural research programmes around the world and CGIAR centres to develop such innovations as “improved crop varieties, more effective fertilizers, new livestock vaccines and new food-processing techniques.”

Which is fine. But why not even a passing mention of the National Plant Germplasm System? At over 450,000 accessions, the genebanks of the NPGS are second only to those of the CGIAR in the amount of agrobiodiversity they conserve. That’s a lot of raw materials for innovation.

Searching for plant breeding news

I’ve blogged before about FAO’s Plant Breeding News service, a collaboration with Cornell University. It’s a great source of information, but it hasn’t been possible to search the archive. Until now:

We have just installed a Google custom search function in the PBN-L archives webpage. The link appears at the top of the main page. In order to see your search words highlighted in the retrieved documents, click on the “cached” link at the end of the result you are interested in, after the search results appear.

An excellent idea.

Mapping agrobiodiversity for change

A 13-minute reportage on the Mapping for Change Conference which took place in Nairobi, Kenya on September 7-10, 2005. The reportage features interviews with participatory GIS and 3D mapping practitioners from around the globe and summarizes the process and outcomes of the event.Â