Teaching researchers to talk to farmers in East Africa.
Armenian apricots
The Ministry of Agriculture in Yeravan is organizing an international conference on the Armenian apricot.
African biotech
SciDevNet’s roundup of agri-biotech in Africa is online.
FAO Commission meets
The Eleventh regular session of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA-11) is on in Rome all this week. You can follow the deliberations day by day courtesy of IISD. Better than being there. No, really.
Worldwatch Institute is also taking an interest.
And of course the agenda and all the background documentation are online.
Workshop on knowledge management and communication
From IAALD, news of a workshop sponsored by GTZ and FAO, on “Communicating Knowledge: From good practice to systematic change.” The conference web site gives access to the Agenda and Papers, and at first glance there doesn’t seem to be anything about blogs or blogging. Maybe the participants will raise the topic. It does seem an odd omission, but maybe I’m biassed.