Training materials for sustainable agriculture

The Centre for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa Cruz has some “instructional resources” on sustainable agriculture online. That’s mainly a course outline and references. There is stuff on agricultural biodiversity in the course outline, but somehow you don’t get the idea – or at least I didn’t – that this is something that is central to sustainability. More of an added benefit, or a fortuitous side-effect. See if you get the same impression.

New kids on the blog

The International Food Policy Research Institute seems to have a blog: blog world hunger. It started a while ago, by the look of things, but has lately shaken itself, rubbed the sleep from its eyes, and started wandering about the room. Alas, it needs a tweak or two. I tried to leave a comment and no matter how fast I typed it insisted my message had timed out as a result of inactivity. Maybe you’ll have better luck. There’s an ongoing discussion of agriculture and shifting climates, which seems appropriate today.