- Dr Costich’s Odyssey.
- CGIAR Germplasm Health Units: Between the Scylla of spreading pests and diseases and the Charybdis of getting stuff out to genebank users too slowly.
- Turning insects into food
- Feeding cattle under the Congolese sun.
- Plenty of intoxicating fruits out there besides lotus.
- Weaving a web of data for food security.
- Europe heeds the siren song of agroecology.
Nibbles: Bangladeshi gardens, Rambo root, Invasive hybrids, Pomologia, CWR, Genebanks, Deforestation, Agroecology, Post-2020, Intergenerational justice
- Floating gardens are a solution.
- Cassava is a solution.
- Eco-fusion is a solution.
- Art is a solution.
- Crop wild relatives are a solution.
- Genebanks are a solution.
- Understanding the effect of agricultural commodities on forests is a solution.
- My agroecology is a solution, but not your agroecology.
- 2021 will be a solution.
- Long-term thinking is the solution.
Nibbles: Goodness edition
- What makes a good seed?
- What makes good seed conservation?
- No, really, what makes good seed conservation?
- What makes better seeds?
- What makes good seed planting?
- What makes a good tree for seed planting?
Nibbles: Celebration edition
- Celebrating the International Year of Plant Health with another webinar on Germplasm Health in Preventing Transboundary Spread of Pests and Pathogens, 17 Feb.
- Celebrating World Pulse Day (late) by linking to Tropical Legumes Hub.
- Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science by reading profiles of 16 women saving crop diversity and watching a video of IPBES expert Laura Pereira. Speaking of IPBES, not sure why this take on their October 2020 report is coming out now, but it’s a good read.
- Celebrating another year of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.
- Celebrating little forests. Well, why not?
Nibbles: Pacific coconuts, Fruit double, NUS, New maize
- Coconuts in test tubes in the Pacific.
- Fruit trees in a nutrition garden in India. And in a medieval town in Russia.
- Orphan crops in the diet in Africa.
- Armyworm resistant maize in the farmers’ fields in Africa.