Nibbles: Macron magic, UK Strategic Priorities Fund, Macadamia, Tepary, Nordic spuds, Diversification, Carolina rice, Couscous, Wild tobacco, Yeast diversity, Da 5 Foods

  1. France pushes for agricultural development. Money to follow mouth?
  2. Meanwhile, Britain puts its money into its own food systems.
  3. The macadamia is not diverse enough. Who’d have thought it.
  4. Couscous gets protected. Phew, ’cause it’s right on the verge of extinction, isn’t it.
  5. I hope tepary beans don’t become the next macadamia.
  6. Reviving old potatoes the Nordic way.
  7. Malaysia told to look beyond oil palm. To tepary and macadamia, maybe?
  8. Speaking of diversification, how about Laotian rice in Appalachia?
  9. Chasing the wild tobacco. See what I did there?
  10. Yeast has been domesticated by bakers into two genetic groups: industrial and artisanal sourdough.
  11. A history of the world in entirely the wrong 5 foods.

Brainfood: COVID & seeds, Livestock integration, Farm diversity, Diet diversity, Genetic diversity, Cassava landraces, Wild coffee, Variety registration, Kava kastom, Neolithic Europe

Brainfood: Extension, Wheat adoption, Bean ideotypes, Chilli evaluation, Rice domestication, Mungbeans from space, Biodiversity accounting, Cassava futures, Maize haplotypes, Heterosis, Cryo

Nibbles: Climate change vid, Lemongrass, Millets, GHUs, US potatoes

  1. Nice video on Future Climate for Africa.
  2. Indian forest communities diversify with lemongrass to help out with their climate change resilience.
  3. Have they tried millets, though? According to Millet Finder, millet products are taking over the world, so marketing should be no problem.
  4. If they don’t have seeds, they can get them from genebanks, via Germplasm Health Units, of course. The impact pathways of genebanks goes through GHUs.
  5. The Russet Burbank sure has had a big impact.