Nibbles: Superweeds, Old spices, Companies and nutrition, Bananas and cacao, Coffee pix, Potato restaurant, Millet processing, Aussie social herbarium, Rockefeller Story, Apple nutrition, And a bottle of rum…

Nibbles: Tea nomenclature, Medicinal plants, Robert Fortune, Gender gap, Japanese women farmers, AnGR conservation, Herbarium databases, India & Africa

  • Tea diversity 101.
  • Tea is medicinal, isn’t it? Certainly some other plants introduced to the West by the same person are.
  • I could tell you all about the gender gap in tea cultivation in Kenya.
  • And I bet there’s one in Japan too.
  • Not to mention in livestock-keeping. But I don’t suppose that will affect (ILRI’s) plans for a Kenyan livestock genebank.
  • Crowdsourcing herbarium data. Maybe there’s some specimens of wild tea species in there…
  • India reaches out to Africa. ICRISAT involved. Debal Deb, probably not so much. Chai, anyone?

Nibbles: Indigenous conservation, Rice and conservation, Amazon medicines, Organic products, Sustainable oysters, Cherfas at Seed Savers, Calestous Juma, Cassava website, Israeli agritech, Fragaria breeding, Catacol whitebeam, Weather sensors, FAO Commission & Conference, Amartya Sen

Nibbles: Tree domestication, Sacred groves, Solomons aquaculture, Bees and diversity

  • Cultivate medicinal trees to save them. Oh, and provide medicines.
  • Or you could harvest them sustainably from sacred forests?
  • Reef fished out? Aquaculture to the rescue. Sounds a bit like the aquatic equivalent of the above, no? But do they have sea cucumbers and their poop in those inland ponds?
  • Growing diverse crops good for bees, good for crops. Buckwheat diverse enough for ya?

Nibbles: Bamboo shoots, Cassava bread, Tomato reefer, Visionary scientists, Price volatility, Potato nutrition, Climate change & biodiversity