- How to do capacity development for agricultural innovation.
- Doing capacity development for crop diversity conservation and use.
- Farmers need capacity development too.
- A Svalbard for bacteria.
- The Punch sexed up.
Nibbles: Oz wine atlas, Microbiome vault, Guerrilla breeding, Seed relief bibliography, Food archaeology, Seed producers, Marmalade
- The future of Australian wine in maps.
- A Svalbard for the human microbiome?
- Plant breeders on the edge of the mainstream.
- From FAO, a bibliography on seed systems and seed relief.
- Book review: The Archaeology of Food: Identity, Politics, and Ideology in the Prehistoric and Historic Past.
- Training seed producer groups can help their non-member neighbours too.
- There will be marmalade for tea. But, spoiler alert, it might not be what you think.
Brainfood: Food groups, Bumblebees, Wild lettuce, Bambara, Miscanthus, Wild macadamia, Sperm cryo, Fungi, Feed adoption, Bere evaluation, Lactose persistence
- Culinary Cultural Conservation and Cultural Keystone Food Groups: Concepts in Ethnobotany. Immigrants stick with viandas.
- Safeguarding the genetic integrity of native pollinators requires stronger regulations on commercial lines. About half of bumblebee specimens in SW Spain were F1 hybrids or BC1.
- Lactuca dregeana DC. (Asteraceae: Chicorieae) – A South African crop relative under threat from hybridization and climate change. That’s a hell of a disjunction.
- Exploration of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc, an Underutilized Crop, To Aid Global Food Security: Varietal Improvement, Genetic Diversity and Processing. It all starts with lots of data on 420 genebanks accessions at IITA.
- MGDB: A database for evaluating Miscanthus spp. to screen elite germplasm. Kind of amazing this crop is so far ahead of Bambara groundnut.
- Genetic Structure of Wild Germplasm of Macadamia: Species Assignment, Diversity and Phylogeographic Relationships. Genetics supports taxonomy.
- 3-D printed customizable vitrification devices for preservation of genetic resources of aquatic species. Good for species with miniscule testes.
- Threats to global food security from emerging fungal and oomycete crop pathogens. Need better fungicides, but less of them.
- Improving adoption of technologies and interventions for increasing supply of quality livestock feed in low- and middle-income countries. Look at socio-economic factors along the whole value chain, and come up with packages and solve multiple problems.
- Assessing the variation in manganese use efficiency traits in Scottish barley landrace Bere (Hordeum vulgare L.). Some heritage barleys had double the chlorophyll fluorescence readings in low Mn hydroponic than elite cultivar Scholar.
- Why and when was lactase persistence selected for? Insights from Central Asian herders and ancient DNA. Apparently not in Central Asia, because of fermentation; but then, why in Europe? Maybe they didn’t like the taste there?
Brainfood: Food Systems Dashboard, Woody perennials, Translocation, Seed storage, Forest management, Urban trees, Ancient beer, Beef cattle selection, Potato breeding, Seed physiology, Peanut origins, Wild coffees, Soil bugs
- The Food Systems Dashboard is a new tool to inform better food policy. 140 indicators from over 30 sources. Launching soon. Always good to have the data.
- Using Living Germplasm Collections to Characterize, Improve, and Conserve Woody Perennials. Nice review of the conservation of your favourite fruits in field genebanks (about 6% of the total number of crop accessions).
- Moving threatened plants: Story and practice. It sounds easy but it isn’t.
- Seed Germination after 30 Years Storage in Permafrost. Drying, drying, drying.
- Why Seed Physiology Is Important for Genebanking. Well, don’t you want to know why a seed lot is showing no or low germination after 30 years in permafrost? Or, alternatively, how long another one will continue to show good germination? Thought so.
- Habitat management alternatives for conservation forests in the temperate zone: Review, synthesis, and implications. 4 intervention alternatives: minimal, traditional, non-traditional and species-based. But we need long-term studies to really know what works best. Presumably longer than 30 years. This is an old paper, but it came up again because of this very thorough Twitter thread.
- High richness of exotic trees in tropical urban green spaces: Reproductive systems, fruiting and associated risks to native species. Go native. At least in Brazil. Someone should mash up with all the papers above.
- Mashes to Mashes, Crust to Crust. Presenting a novel microstructural marker for malting in the archaeological record. Look for cell wall breakdown in the grain’s aleurone layer.
- Powerful detection of polygenic selection and environmental adaptation in US beef cattle. Local adaptation is being eroded.
- Genomic-Led Potato Breeding for Increasing Genetic Gains: Achievements and Outlook. The future is true seed-propagated F1 diploid hybrids produced by crossing inbred diploid lines. Oh, plus gene editing here and there.
- Reply to: Evaluating two different models of peanut’s origin. Did the polyploidization event which gave rise to Arachis hypogaea occur ~450,000 years ago or <10,000 years ago? The authors who said the former double down.
- Lost and Found: Coffea stenophylla and C. affinis, the Forgotten Coffee Crop Species of West Africa. Let the interbreeding commence.
- The proportion of soil-borne pathogens increases with warming at the global scale. Be afraid.
Nibbles: Fusarium, Lactobacillus, Lycopersicon, Digitaria, Morus
- The latest on TR4 resistant banana varieties in Australia.
- Lactobacillus is in fact 25 genera.
- Greenhouse tomatoes pretty diverse after all?
- Digitaria: from weed to forage.
- London’s mulberries.