Nibbles: Cyprus seeds, Vietnamese rice, Policy briefs, English breakfast tea, Magic mushrooms, Peanut ontology Moccasin Boots, GeoAgro, Zea archaeology, Oenoarchaology, Old ham, ICRISAT genebank, Coffee podcast, ITPGRFA, Amphicarpaea bracteata

  • “It is like archaeology to me. When you save an ancient seed it is like saving a sculpture. It represents the culture, tradition and history. Different types have different traits and intense flavours, like tomatoes years ago for example.”
  • Vietnamese specialty rices direct from the genebank. Totally unrelated to this NY Times video-essay on Hmong rice farming.
  • Time for tea.
  • Making coffee good again. Jeremy explores fair trade and Fair Trade. Do tea now, please, Cherfas.
  • ‘Shrooms got magic horizontally, man.
  • Why do circus peanuts taste of bananas?
  • Bringing back the mouse bean. Which may or may not taste of bananas.
  • Cool maize book to round off the Native American crops trifecta.
  • Oh no, here’s another one. Pinning down maize domestication.
  • Funky ICARDA agroclimatological app.
  • REALLY old Italian wine. And something to go with it.
  • ICRISAT has a genebank in Zimbabwe too.
  • Plant Treaty transfers hit a milestone.
  • Policy brief on policy briefs. Homework: do a killer policy brief on any of the above.

Brainfood: DNA barcoding, Extremophiles, Chinese wild walnut, Sheep breeders, Argentinian beans, Biobanks QMS, E African seed systems, Apulian vines, People & diversity, Ancient farmers

Brainfood: Mycorrhizal diversity, Olive diversity, Teak diversity, Core software diversity, Cost-benefit, Frosty rye, CGIAR future, Portuguese beans, Improvement networks, Food sovereignty

Brainfood: Maize regeneration, Watkins collection, Jordan barley landraces, CWR in Europe, Early agriculture, Papaya knowledge, Cryo, Tree diversity, AM, Indegee, Wild beet, Early NE ag, Fire!

Brainfood: Cannabis roundup, Citrus genomes, Mapping Africa, Maize diversity, Qat diversity, Language diversity, Apple taste, Coconut diversity, Napier grass review, Rangeland management, Chinese goats, Arabica evaluation, Bangladeshi chickens, Seed endophytes