I think we may have blogged before about a series of educational videos on the management of the rice crop aimed at your actual rice farmer. But there’s no harm in mentioning them again, especially since it gives me the opportunity of linking to the very useful resource centre of the Global Farmer Field School Network, which brings them all together and packages them with additional information. The site is serchable, and a quick look revealed quite a few interesting things on agrobiodiversity. Again, thanks to the indefatigable Danny for the link.
African Crop Science Meeting
The 8th African Crop Science Society meeting will take place in Egypt from 27 to 31 October. Could be some interesting papers, if anyone survives scrutiny of the conference web page). We keep saying this, and we keep meaning it: if any reader is at the meeting and wants to send a report, we’ll be happy to receive it.
E-agriculture practitioners meet
It’s E-Agriculture Week in Rome next week. Lots of people coming, lots of stuff going on. I’ll try to be very Web 2.0 about it and do some posting when cool agricultural biodiversity comes up, but also check out the blog of the centerpiece conference.
International Kitchen Garden Day
Did you know there’s an International Kitchen Garden Day on the fourth Sunday of August each year? Neither did I, but it’s a good way of celebrating agrobiodiversity, isn’t it? Anyway, I got to hear about it via a wiki on Sustainable Community Action that Danny has just blogged about over at Rurality.
Indications of origin
China and EU agree on DOC. Someone mention zeitgeist?